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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: Chapter 1)


    I look at her waiting for the answer that could change everything, I heard some screaming in the background but did not pay much attention till I feel a sharp pain.  Before I black out I hear Ashley screaming Aidens name.


    I hear the phone ringing and went to answer it,                                                                                            


    "Mr. Carlin?"                                                                                                                                                     

    "Yes, who is this?"                                                                                                                                          

    "This is Detective Adams, I am sorry to inform you but your daughter Spencer has been injured in a drive by shooting.  She is in crititcal condition and is on the way to the hospital.  She will be arriving shortly.  We need you and your wife to come to the hospital.  Your other children are already on the the way  there and will be waiting for you."                                    

    "Oh my God," I whispered barely holding the phone and myself together, "we will be right there."              

    "Ok sir, again I am sorry, goodnight."  I hang up the phone and hear Paula coming down the stairs.           

    "Arthur who was that on the phone?"                                                                                                            

    "We need to go to the hospital."                                                                                                                    

    "What? What’s wrong, is it one of the kids, who…"                                                                                        

    "Paula, we need to go NOW."  I finally turn around and start to head out the door.  Paula rushes past me to the car.  We speed off towards the hospital.  On please God let my little girl be OK.


    I can’t believe this is happening, my baby sister has been shot.  Clay, Chelsea, Kyla, Madison, and I are all sitting in the hospital waiting for any more news on Spencer and for my parents to arrive.  We all are just sitting here I guess we are all to shocked to do or say anything.                                                                  

    "I can’t believe this."  Madison snaps out.  At first I thought she was reading my mind and talking about Spencer, but she was glaring at something behind me.  I turn around and see Ashley coming towards us.

    "What do you want?"  Kyla and I get out together.

    "I wanted to see if Spencer is alright."

    "What do you care?  You made your decision do you think she will want tosee you if she wakes up"  I almost scream at her.  Kyla turns away from Ashley and walks down the hall.

    "If she wakes up, I didn’t think it was that bad."  She actually looks concerned.

    "How would you know how she is, you were too concerned about Aiden to even notice Spencer."  I remember her grabbing Aiden while Spencer was lying on the ground bleeding.  Kyla and I were the ones who went to her.

    "How is Aiden?"  Madison interrupted, who the hell cares.

    "He is fine, just a graze on his forehead."  She breaths out releaved.

    "Who cares, leave Ashley no one wants you here.  Go be with your boyfriend.  Her family and real friends are here for her.

    "But…" she starts, but I push past her when I see my parents coming.  We all hug each other and I inform my parents all that I know and my mom rushes off to see if she can find out more.  We all start to sit down and wait when I notice that Ashley has vanished.


    I stand there looking through the surgery window watching my baby be worked on.  They tell me some of what is going on, but it is not much her condition is all touch and go.  I can’t believe this is happening.  Ben walks toward me and tries to give me a hug and I push him away.  My family is what is important right now not him.

    "No Ben, leave me alone."

    "Paula, I am here for you, please just let me help."  His dark eyes are pleading with me.

    "My husband will be there for me, just leave me alone."  He stares at me for a second thinking I will say more, but I just turn to watch Spencer again.  I hear him sigh and walk away.  I am saddened, but I have put myself first for so long and look what it has gotten me, a breaking marriage, a daughter who is gay and could have died tonight.  Now I put my family first.  I see one of the doctors that was working on Spencer coming towards me pulling me out of my thinking.

    "Paula, we need to talk…"






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