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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter 9- Playing like you dont care)

    Spencer waited until Ashley’s window buzzed down

    “What are you really doing back here?”

    “I was tired of moving around so I decided on here, it felt right, and I have some… things to finish” she said in a mocking tone

    “Listen Ashley I just don’t want that night brought up again, please”

    “Ya well you should have thought about that before you seduced me in the bar with those gorgeous blue eyes of yours” Ashley shot back

    “I did not do any of that” Spencer protested

    “No? Then who was that girl making such beautiful love to me that night, until early morning? Ashley asked softly “until we were too tired for one more kiss?”


    Spencer stared at her speechless, her pulse pounding in her head.


    “Hey but don’t worry, I have no desire to tell what an easy catch I was that night” Ashley smiled mischievously.

    “I do have a reputation to maintain after all” 

     Ashley pulled out of the driveway leaving Spencer stunned staring after her.


    “See you later” Ashley called as she sped down the street

    “Oh god, that woman infuriates me!”




    Courtney had called Spencer the next day, and told her about the game that was played after their practice that day. Ashley had been wearing long shorts that came just above her knees and a tank top that spelled BAD ASS. The basketball team and the cheerleaders had to share the gym, because the other gym was taken over by the track team, it was kinda cold that day, therefore being in California. Spencer saw Ashley looking at her every now and then, and a little smile every time Spencer looked up to meet brown eyes.


    Courtney said the game was amazing and Ashley had never played a better game.


    “Spencer she was amazing, she made 28 points in the first half by-herself!”

    “Well that’s Ashley for ya” she said dryly

    “What’s wrong with you?” Courtney asked

    “Nothing, so did you talk to her?” Spencer asked

    “Of-course, she sat with us the whole time the next game was playing”

    “Ooh well I guess you guys like her then?”

    “Ya we al were talking about her when we were driving home, I think Kat likes her…ALOT” Courtney said not knowing anything that had happened between the two.

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