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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: College, Parties and Word Bubbles)

    Spencer sighed as she looked up at Marks Hall, her new home for the next year. This was her first year of college, and she was attending USC on scholarship. She held a box full of belongings, and her parents were trailing behind her.

    “Come on Spencer!” her mother urged. “Aren’t you excited to meet your new roommate?”

    “Ugh! Not really…” the idea of having to share her room, which would be ridiculously small, was not something she was all too pleased about. And what if she ended up with some girl who wrote satanic messages on her wall while listening to KoRn. Sure she had filled out one of those questionnaires asking about roommate preferences, but she could still end up with someone who sounded like a foghorn while sleeping, or a weirdly religious girl who would think she had a kindred spirit.

    “Oh come on sweetheart! I’m sure you’ll have a fabulous roommate. You’ll love college, and maybe you can even join a sorority! I know USC has one of the biggest Greek systems in California! They have my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma!” Spencer rolled her eyes at her mother’s attempt to get her to follow in her footsteps. If she was joining a sorority, she was going to be looking at all of them.

    “Thanks Mom…I’ll…think about it.” Arthur walked up to the two women.

    “All right! Let’s go inside! This stuff isn’t easy to carry!” he was carrying her desktop computer, and definitely looked as though he could use a small reprieve. The three of them headed inside and up to the second floor. As she opened the door, Spencer’s eyes lit up. Clearly her roommate had already been there, judging by the piles of boxes all around. A top of the line laptop was on her desk, and when she looked at hers, a note was on it that read, “Can’t wait to meet you roomie.” Paula peered over her daughter’s shoulder and smiled.

    “Aw, how sweet! You and your roommate will get along fantastically well. But her daughter frowned. ‘Oh great,’ she thought to herself. ‘My roommate is a ridiculously happy person.’ Arthur simply grunted and he placed the computer by Spencer’s desk. He read the note and smiled.

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