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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 15)

    The food at the resteraunt had been absolutely delicious but Spencer looked as though she would taste better. Her outfit was tight fitting and left little to the imagination but Ashley didn’t mind. On the contrary she was very pleased with the way that Spencer looked and had been blushing for practically the whole night. Kat had looked cheerful as well and relieved that they were finally spending a night together.

    "Guys…" Kat said and surprised both Spencer and I who had been looking at the list of movies outside of the movie theatre.

    "Yeah sport? I asked quizically.

    "What movie do you want to see?"

    Spencer observed the list of movies again before saying a huge grin on her face, "I want to see ‘The Notebook’ it looks so sad!"

    "We can’t see that one," I said without thinking, "Kay wouldn’t like it. Right Kat?" the blonde girl nodded her agreement. "How about… Saw Three?!"

    Kat jumped up and down in excitement, "Hell yes! That movie looks sooo awesome!" I smiled at her. I looked over at Spencer to find her staring at the ground looking very intrested in her shoes.

    "How’s that sound?" Kat asked.

    Spencer nodded her head wordlessly and started into the theatre. When the trio reached the snack bar Kat nodded towards the bathroom, "Hey I’m gonna use the ladies room okay. Just get me something you know what I like…"

    I nodded my head surely and waved her off in the direction of the restroom. Spencer and I stood outside the theatre where our movie was playing silently as we waited for Kat to return. I was about to say something when I saw kat bound from around the corner.

    "Guys!" she said panting, "did the movie start yet?" I smiled at her reassuringly.

    "No you’re just in time!"

    "Yeah," Spencer saud placing a forced grin on her face, "here Kat I got you some Sour Patch Kids," she said holding out a hand that held the bag of candy. I immediately snatched it from her hand.

    "you can’t give her those. She hates anything sour Spence…here," I said handing Kat the candy I got for her, "Snow Caps your favorite."

    "Thanks Ash!" Kat said beaming. She greabbed both our hands and tugged us into the movie theatre.

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