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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 18)

    I woke up to a light, irritating tapping on my shoulder. I stirred a little before getting enough energy to open one eye. The blurry figure hovering over me was stupid enough to open the blinds when trying to wake me up. The figure was still tapping me with their finger which was getting really annoying. I shot up straight, ‘What do you want!’


    ‘Good morning to you too.’ The girl said in a low voice.


    ‘Oh, Ash, I’m sorry I just get really grumpy in the morning.’ I said rubbing my eyes.


    ‘I can see that.’


    ‘Did you want anything?’


    ‘Not really.’


    ‘Well I’m going back to sleep then.’ I said laying down on my bed and pulling the covers over me. Before I could even close my eyes my blanket was pulled off of me. Ugh…so cold.


    ‘It’s 11 already! Get up!’ She yelled folding the blanket and laying it on the edge of the bed.


    ‘NOO!!’ I exclaimed reaching downward for the blanket. My hand touched nothing as it flopped around on the bed. I gave up defeated as I stretched out on the bed exhausted.


    ‘Anyways, your parents left with your brothers. I think they went out to breakfast or something.’


    ‘Why wasn’t I invited.’ I whined.


    ‘Cause you were busy sleeping.’




    ‘At least we have the house to ourselves. We could…’ She trailed off placing her hand on my lower body.


    ‘Not now Ashley. I’m tired.’ I said pushing her hand off.


    ‘Okay.’ She said sitting up straight on the bed.


    ‘I’m sorry I just don’t feel like it.’


    ‘Let’s get you hyped up. My friends invited me to a party you wanna go?’


    ‘Sure why not.’ I said. I was up for anything that would “hype me up” as Ashley would say.


    ‘Perfect! I’ll hop in the shower to get ready. You could something.’ She said as she left the room quickly getting in the shower. I sat there in the empty room. It was quiet – so quiet that the only thing hearable was the clicking of the clock. I desperately looked around the room for something to do. I hopped on my chair and turned on the computer. The tower vibrated loudly as the computer began to start up. 1 minute passed as it came up to my desktop. I clicked on Aim hoping some one would be on to entertain me. Hmm…I scrolled down my buddy list for one of my friend. ‘Oh, Alysha’s on.’ I said smiling clicking on her sn.


    CallmeSpence: Hey girl.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: Spencer!! How’s it going.


    CallmeSpence: Nothing much I’m just so tired I barely woke up


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: wow just like you! you always wake up late…what’s the deal?


    CallmeSpence: idk


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: whatevers, what are you doing today?


    CallmeSpence: going to a party with Ash.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: Nicole’s party?


    CallmeSpence: I don’t know Ash just told me right now.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: if your going to nicole’s party I’ll see you there.


    CallmeSpence: really your going?


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: duh…where ever there’s a party I’m there and it’s nicole party I have to go.


    CallmeSpence: hahaha


    CallmeSpence: all right I’ll see you there then.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: cool cool how’s you an Ash?


    CallmeSpence: :)


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: awww….


    CallmeSpence: how are you and Nicole?


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: awesome as usual. She’s just so great you know. Like whenever I’m with her she just makes me smile. I don’t know I never really felt like this with anyone.


    CallmeSpence: your too cute Alysha.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: what?…


    CallmeSpence: your so cute.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: you are too Spence..=]


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: hah


    CallmeSpence: oh no no no..not like that. I mean like your cute cause you talk about nicole that way.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: oh.


    CallmeSpence: you thought…that I thought you were…


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: yeah… You know I still like you Spencer. I can’t stop it


    CallmeSpence: I know you do…i like you too. Well only a little bit. But it’s not gonna work out you know. Your with nicole I’m with ash. Its just the way things are.


    CallmeSpence: okay…


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: yeah.


    CallmeSpence: okay.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: this is getting awkward.


    CallmeSpence: yeah..i gotta go now. Ashley is out of the shower.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: you Spencer. You don’t have to say it back I just wanted to tell you. I just wanted to say it you know…okay I’ll stop now.


    CallmeSpence: I love you, Alysha. Bye..


    1. Wonderful update. What the hell is up with spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see more. I am sorry to hear your valentines day sucked. @)–‘,—-

    2. Wonderful update. What the hell is up with spencer. I love your story. Cant wait to see more. I am sorry to hear your valentines day sucked. @)–‘,—-

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