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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 2)



    I see her walking towards us and just from her expression I can tell it’s bad.  We wait for her to come over, I can tell she is trying to not break down.  She finally starts to speak.

    "She had three bullets enter her.  One went through her upper chest.  One entered her pelvic area and they were able to remove it.  The last…"

    "Paula what is it?"  I plead for her to finish i have to know.  She looks up at us with tears streaming down her face.

    "The last entered her abdomen ant an upward angle, ricoched off one of her lower ribs, then lodged near her spine.  They are afraid to remove it because it is such a sensitive area.  They will leave it in for now and wait until the swelling goes down to give a full diagnoses."  I reach for Paula as she finally breaks down and cries.  I try and absorb what she said. 

    "Oh my God," Glen slumps back down in his chair.  Chelsea is trying to comfort Clay, but he is just staring off into nothing.  Madison and Kyla stand there not knowing what to do or say.

    "Is she out of surgery, when will she wake up, when can we see her?"  Clay shoots out, coming out of his stupor.  Paula has calmed herself and starts to answer his questions.

    "She is out of surgery for now and in ICU.  When the get a better diagnosis they will move her to her own room.  With all the drugs and the trauma itself she might not wake up for a few hours.  For now we can go and see her two at a time."



    We decide to let mom and dad go see Spencer first. Kyla and Madison decided to head home sine they were not immediate family therefore they could not see Spencer.  Clay tried to convince Chelsea to go home, but she refused saying that she would not leave Clay or Spencer at a time like this.

    We finally got to go and see Spencer after mom and dad.  I hesitated walking into her room, I did not know what to expect.  I  just stood outside the door until Clay pushed me through.  We both stop.

    "My God" Clay whispers.  I second that.  Spencer looks so pale, she has all these tubes and machines surrounding her.  It all seems so surreal, like I am not standing her seeing my sister like this.  I walk up to her bed and take her hand trying to think of something to say, anything, but nothing is there. 

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    1. please tell me that ashley didnt really choose aiden. because if she did…i’ll fucking beat her down. seriously, she’s gonna be in a hospital bed faster than you can say ‘what just happened?’. that asshat DOES NOT deserve to get the girl. AT ALL. he had his chance, and lost it. i get they have history, but why the fuck didnt he tell her this shit BEFORE her and spencer got together? huh? DOUCHE! ugh. haha sorry, i get really into these fics…anyways, cant wait to read more.

    2. Stupid Aiden! *grumble, grumble* Stupid Ashley! *grumble, grumble* Please tell me that they are not together now. I mean come on, Spencer can’t feel her legs people. Don’t put her through anything else. *sigh* PMS!

    3. please tell me that ashley didnt really choose aiden. because if she did…i’ll fucking beat her down. seriously, she’s gonna be in a hospital bed faster than you can say ‘what just happened?’. that asshat DOES NOT deserve to get the girl. AT ALL. he had his chance, and lost it. i get they have history, but why the fuck didnt he tell her this shit BEFORE her and spencer got together? huh? DOUCHE! ugh. haha sorry, i get really into these fics…anyways, cant wait to read more.

    4. Stupid Aiden! *grumble, grumble* Stupid Ashley! *grumble, grumble* Please tell me that they are not together now. I mean come on, Spencer can’t feel her legs people. Don’t put her through anything else. *sigh* PMS!

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