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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: New Loves, New Regrets [Chapter 3])

    “My name is Davies, Ashley Davies” Oh crap
    I look over at Kyla and her eyes are staring at Ashley as if she has just seen a ghost. I look over at Ashley who looks confused as to why Kyla and I are looking at her like complete idiots.

    “Excuse us for a second Ashley” I walk in Ashley’s opposite direction while pulling Kyla. I stop and look directly at Kyla who looks as if I just betrayed her.

    “Baby, I didn’t know” I look at her as sincere as I can, and I wasn’t even faking because it was 100 percent true. I really didn’t know but Kyla’s eyes are exactly the same, hurt.

    “That’s a load of bullshit” She whispers with so much hate. I look just as hurt as she looks right now.

    “Sweetie I swear” I try to convince her I don’t want her to be mad at me.

    “You’re not allowed to call me that” She whispers once again. And when she says it I can feel my heart break a little.

    “Kyla, I want you, I need you” I say barely above a whisper.

    “I love you” I say so low I doubt she even heard me

    “You love me huh?” She whispers back with a slight smile on her face. I nod in response. Yes I finally got a smile out of that beautiful face.

    “If you loved me you wouldn’t be flirting with that slut over there. And may I remind you that it’s my sister” I frown once again and see Kyla looking over at Ashley

    “You better get that smirk off your face before I do it for you!” Kyla screams at her sister across the room.

    “Well then you better do it for me” Ashley screams back. Kyla pushes past me as she walks towards Ashley. Ashley drops her purse and as does Kyla as she slaps Ashley right across the face.

    Ashley recovers fast and punches Kyla square in the eye. I see Kyla hit the floor hard but get back up just as quickly and grab Ashley’s hair. Then it just turns out into an all out cat fight, scratches, pulling of hair, shoving. I see two security guards come and break them up, with a lot of trouble. They are each seated on a side of a room as one security guard sits with Kyla and the other with Ashley.

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