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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Drinking Helps People Bond)

    “Ash, I’m pretty sure us drinking by ourselves makes us alcoholics,” Spencer argued.


    “No really, Spence, it doesn’t! If you drink alone excessively, that makes you an alcoholic.” They’d only been sharing the room for five days, and already they were perfectly comfortable calling each other by their nicknames.


    “All right, if you say so.” The brunette grinned.


    “I do indeed. So, what’s your favorite?” She couldn’t help but think about how adorably cute Spencer was whenever she was deep in thought.


    “I’m thinking, Absolut, Kahlua, and Malibu. And of course we should have Smirnoff Ice as chasers.” Ashley looked at her in surprise.


    “Bit of a lush there, aren’t we?” she teased. Spencer blushed.


    “Yeah, well let’s just say I was definitely a lightweight the first time I drank. I had two shots, and then I was ready for bed…and I had a bottle of water between each shot!” Ashley laughed in response.


    “The first time I took a shot, I was with Cameron Diaz. She likes Absolut if I remember correctly. I then asked Jay-Z where the bathrooms were…didn’t even realize it was him until a friend told me.” She looked back at the blonde and noted the look of shock on her face. “What?”


    “You had your first shot with Cameron Diaz!?!”


    “Yeah, a friend took me to this bar, he had some connections, and she was there and invited us over for a shot.” Spencer simply shook her head. “Well anyways, I’m going to go hit up my friend for the alcohol, I’ll be back in a bit.”



    The two girls had both successfully took their first shot and followed it up with the Smirnoff.


    “Damn Spence! You took that like a pro!” Ashley exclaimed, clearly impressed. Spencer simply winked back.


    “How bout a game?” she questioned.


    “Drinking games are always the best,” Ashley reasoned.


    “Let’s put in a movie…how about, Dirty Dancing? And every time they say, ‘Baby’ we have to take a shot.”


    “But they barely say her name!”


    “Not in that one scene where they say it about ten times!”

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    1. hahaha YEAH TBELL! that place is AMAZING! omg. rockin. i kinda wished you had them play like, never have i ever or truth or dare…BUT theres always a later day for that hehehe. great update!

    2. hahaha YEAH TBELL! that place is AMAZING! omg. rockin. i kinda wished you had them play like, never have i ever or truth or dare…BUT theres always a later day for that hehehe. great update!

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