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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 4- I’m Sorry)

    2 Talented Girls- Chapter 4 (I’m Sorry)

    By Cram46307 Co writer MMADlover

    Ashley’s POV

    I sat there in shock, Did I really kill her sister? It was all just a blur.

    My dad had just finished his concert and began signing autographs. I was happy for him and all, so I walk backstage and see this really long line of fans. I became furious for some reason, I think it was child jeolousy or something. So I just started pushing my way through the crowd to get to my dad, I remember pushing this tiny little girl a bit harder than I meant to, and if I think back I was sure I heard some commotion going on behind me, but in my seven year old mind I was focused only on seeing my dad.

    Spencer’s POV

    I just sat there on the ground crying, with my knees to my chest. The concrete I was sitting on kinda nasty but I didn’t care. I felt someone sit down next to me.

    "Spencer?" the person said, there was no doubt that it was Ashley. "Look…I…" she paused for a second.

    I turn to look at the brunnette, ‘How could someone so perfect and sweet and hot…. have killed someone’ I thought while wiping away a tear.

    "I…I’m..really sorry about what happened and I know that I can’t change what I did, but I promise that I didn’t do it on purpose." she paused and took a breath. I didn’t say anything I just studied an ant that was crawling inches away from my shoe.

    "I really don’t know what to do….but.. can we just start over?" she asked.

    "I really want to for give you……but it’s just kinda hard right now!" I replied.

    "Ok, how about I take you home and you can just relax."

    "Ok.. that sound………wait, Oh Shit, my moms going to kill me! I can’t put up with all of this tonight!" I yelled.

    "You want to stay at my house tonight?" she asked, ‘Why was this hard for me to decide, the girl that im strangely attrated to or my mother thats probuly really angry at me right now’ I so know why but why can’t I just get over it.

    She just grabs my hand and helps me up, She walks me to her car and helps me into the passengers seat, not that I needed help or anything. She gets in the drivers seat and looks over at me.

    "Are you ok?" she asked soft and gently, I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. Her eyes shined like stars in the night sky, and as beautiful as waves washing on to a beach, the next thing I knew we were only iches apart, still staring at each other. I look down at her lips, they look so kissable and delicate. I leaned in slowly now, only cenimeters apart. She looked at me with questioning eyes. I gladly smile and close the gap between us. It was……..amazing, it was slow and delicate. Ifelt one hand running through my hair. I just couldn’t get enough of her. She slowly pulls away and I bite my bottom lip.

    "…..Wow……" I said, afterbarely being able to breath. Ashley was not leaning on the car door staring out the window with a grin on her face. "So……are you still going to let me stay at your house tonight?" I asked playfully. She turned her head to look at me.

    "Does this mean you forgive me?"she asked nervously.

    "Who wouldn’t" I replied, ok maybe alot of people wouldn’t but how can I not forgive someone whos so………… hot!….

    "And thats a yes, that is if you want to." she added.

    I just smiled.


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