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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Spencer reflects)

    I was lying on my bed as Ashley’s words kept filling my head. “I love you.” It wasn’t supposed to be loud enough for me to hear, or was it? I’d been ignoring Kyla’s calls. I couldn’t talk to her now. Not after her sister had told me she loved me. Ugh! Why did she say that? Well…probably because that’s how she felt. But things…they weren’t supposed to go this way. We never included feelings in our meetings. It was simple. She loved Aiden, I loved Kyla, we just had great sex. Our affair wasn’t supposed to be about secret love or hidden feelings. It was supposed to be just sex. My phone buzzed again, the caller ID read, “Best GF Ever!” and I sighed. I didn’t want to worry Kyla. And I just knew if she couldn’t get a hold of me, it wouldn’t be too long before she started talking to Ashley about how worried she was.

                “Hey, Babe,” I answered in a less than enthused voice.

                “Hey…” she sounded concerned. “How are you?” I sighed, not really in the mood for any kind of conversation.

                “I’ve been better. I’m just…I’m not feeling well is all,” I said. Okay, so maybe I wasn’t sick, but I wasn’t feeling well either.

                “Do you want me to come over?” she asked. Damnit! Why is she such a good girlfriend?

                “No, Babe, don’t worry about it. I think I just need some sleep. I’ll be better tomorrow. I think I’m just going to hit the sack.”

                “Well, all right. But if you’re not better tomorrow, I’m coming by to check on you,” she used that tone of voice which implies that I have no room to argue. If I’m not better, she’s coming over, no questions asked.

                “Okay. Night.”

                “Good night, Spence. I love you.” And there it is. Again. The second Davies to tell me she loves me. Only this time I respond. I have to.

                “I love you too, Ky.” I hang up the phone and stare at my ceiling, trying to figure out what to do. It wasn’t long before my thoughts drifted to the memories of how all this began. I thought back to when Ashley and I first actually paid attention to our physical attraction to each other. How we’d gone from just being pals, to being something more.

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    1. damn fucking right you love ashley woman! you were meant to be. we ALL know that. so you go ahead and dump kyla, ashley’ll dump aiden. kyla and aiden’ll get together and you and ashley’ll get together and all will be right with the world. BAHAHA. true. that. anyways, wonderful update. loving this story tons. post again soon!

    2. damn fucking right you love ashley woman! you were meant to be. we ALL know that. so you go ahead and dump kyla, ashley’ll dump aiden. kyla and aiden’ll get together and you and ashley’ll get together and all will be right with the world. BAHAHA. true. that. anyways, wonderful update. loving this story tons. post again soon!

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