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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Fluffy Stuff!)

    Tuesday came far too quickly in Spencer’s opinion. She was nervous about her upcoming date with Ashley, and wondered if the brunette was just as nervous, or if she wondered about it at all. She tried cajoling information from her about the date, but Ashley just smiled and told her not to worry, that it would be fun. And now it was Tuesday, two hours before their date, and she had yet to see her roommate since that morning. Maybe she wasn’t concerned about their date, and felt as though she could get ready in just a few minutes. Did that mean that she shouldn’t spend so much time on how she looked? Ashley had left her an IM informing her that she should wear something casual and comfortable, and to wear socks. This just intrigued her even more. She tried on countless outfits, trying to find something casual, comfortable, yet cute. She knew that unlike any guy, Ashley would notice the small things. She finally opted on khaki pants, a white volcom shirt, and a black zip up hoodie. She then decided to curl her hair, and applied make-up on her face. The two hours flew by, and she wondered where Ashley was. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and she went to answer. There stood the brunette with jeans, a black tank top with an intricate design, and a black jacket. She had on black and pink etnies on and was carrying a small shoulder purse. ‘Wow, you really do notice an outfit a lot more when dating a girl,’ Spencer thought to herself. Ashley grinned as she noticed the blonde checking her out. She couldn’t deny it, she was doing the same.

                “You look pretty,” Ashley said shyly. The tone in her voice made Spencer blush. “Ya ready to go?” Spencer nodded and slipped on her black converse.

                “You look good too,” she said, clearly nervous. “Where were you?” she questioned, clearly curious as to where Ashley had been getting ready.

                “Oh, I kicked Aiden out of his room so that I could get ready. I wanted to be all proper and come knock on the door and everything. Kinda weird knocking on the door when I haven’t lost my key.” Spencer laughed and wrapped her arm through Ashley’s after she had offered it to the blonde.

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