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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Who Do I Love?)

    I shift uncomfortably under Kyla’s gaze. I can tell that she is really scrutinizing me. I can’t really blame her though. I’ve been acting jumpy all day. I’ve been moving her from place to place trying to avoid Ashley, and also trying not to touch her too much. After Ashley and I sleep together, the day after is always insane on my body. My nerves are still hypersensitive, and having Kyla touch me is uncomfortable. I’ll usually rarely let her touch me on these days. And after yesterday’s confessions, being in her presence is even harder. For once, I feel guilty; for once it doesn’t feel like it’s just about physical attraction, about sex. Ashley’s put her emotions into this, and I still need to decide where I stand. It’s not that I don’t care about Ashley, I really do, which is why I need to figure out whether or not I love her. Whether or not she knows that I heard her confession, it would be horrible for me to continue on with our affair if I don’t feel the same way.

    “Spencer, are you sure you’re okay?” Kyla asks me for about the tenth time that day. She puts her hand on my arm, and I unintentionally jerk it away. She looks at me with hurt in her eyes.

    “Sorry,” I mumble. “I’m just really not feeling well,” I reply. She nods in understanding, but I know she’s still confused.

    “Babe,” I flinch slightly at the term of endearment, but it goes past her, “if something’s wrong, I really wish you’d let me know.” I looked her in the eyes and give her a weak smile.

    “I’m still not feeling quite up to par, I’m sorry that I’m feeling kind of distant right now. But don’t worry about it,” I tell her. She looks slightly more relieved than before. She starts talking to me about plans for the weekend, and I try to listen, but I notice Ashley out of the corner of my eye. She sees me looking at her, smiles slightly, and starts to walk towards our table, but I shake my head slightly, and she stops. I look away, and as far as I know, she’s gone.

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    1. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

    2. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

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