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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 6-Spashley or not.)



    "No you are not!  Ashley get out."  What does she think she is doing?  I know she wants to see me, but God what is she thinking, she made her choice.

    "What is going on here?  Spencer do you want her here for your session."  Leighson looks at me and I just want this to have never happened.  Not like this, why couldn’t Ashley wait till I got better, if I get better.

    "What are you talking about?  What session?"  Ashley looks back and forth between Leighson and me.  Leighson just stares at her not saying anything.  Ashley finally settles on me. 

    "Ashley I am not your girlfriend anymore so none of this concerns you.  You have Aiden remember?"  I cross my arms ignoring the pinch I feel. 

    "Maybe not but why can’t I have both of you, I want you both."  She cannot be serious.

    "I am not talking about this, just leave, now."  The machine next to me starts to go off and I can hardly breathe.  I see Ashley and Leighson rush towards me.

    "Ashley leave, NOW."  I scream.  Leighson worriedly glances at me, then practically picks Ashley up and takes her out of the room. The nurses come in and give me something to calm me down.

    "I am sorry Spencer, but one of the people on the list who can’t see you started to make a commotion.  We tried to get him, but he took off drawing us away from our post.  It seems he was just a distraction so Ms. Davies could see you.  We should not have left our posts, I’m sorry it will not happen again."  Nurse Wright explains.



    I jump at the sound of the door slamming shut.  I hear Ashley and Aiden arguing and I duck back down before they can see me.

    "What the hell Ashley, that went really well.  I told you we should have waited till she got out."  I hear Aiden whine.  How did I ever put up with that?

    "I didn’t think it would go like that.  If that girl wasn’t there…"

    "How did you expect it to go?  What did you really want from her?"

    "I don’t know."  Ashley trails off and I can tell she is lying. 

    "Yes you do."  Apparently so can Aiden.

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