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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: What’s Gonna Happen?)

    Shit! Shit! Fuck! Double fuck! How did this happen? We were supposed to have at least another half hour before Kyla got home! She’s standing there, glaring at the both of us, hurt and anger clearly written on her face, and she is trying so hard not to loose it. My chest constricts at the sight of the obvious pain she is feeling, he betrayal of finding one’s girlfriend in bed with your sister. A pain I’m not sure I’d be able to handle had the situation been reversed.


                “Kyla,” I say in half shock, half worry at what she would do. She may look small, but she’s capable of doing quite a bit. I’m not sure what I can say to make this situation any better, but maybe if I ad lib something, it’ll get her to calm down. She singled her attention onto me, her eyes had masked the pain that was there, and was replaced by a coldness I had never seen, nor was aware she was capable of portraying.


                “What, Spencer?” her voice is wavering, and I know she hates it. She wants to appear strong, as if this isn’t hurting her as much as I know that it is. As I sit there staring at her, I feel nothing but pain and guilt for hurting her. For someone who usually allows me to witness her vulnerabilities, it’s so hard to see her this closed off. “Are you going to tell me that this isn’t what it looks like?” she asks in a sarcastic tone. I shake my head, still unable to form words that could help me in any way. “Fuck you, both of you!” she says, her voice rising just a little. She wants to sound cold, but I can detect the anger in her voice. She hurries out the door, trying to hide the tears I can see forming in her eyes. All I can do is stare at the place where she once was.


                Ashley’s hand finds its way into mine, and I tense up, having forgotten her presence. I’d been so wrapped up in trying to read Kyla, I’d forgotten that she had been in the bed next to me. I relaxed a little before looking her in the eyes.  I see the worry that is occupying her thoughts, worry over her sister, worry over what my reaction will be.

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    1. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

    2. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

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