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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: 12-Dancing Again)

    “Ashley, I want to Apologize…”

    “Don’t, you don’t have to, I understand

    “That’s not why I wanted to apologize I’ve never said anything like that before and I’m sorry”

    “Really because I just thought you needed another reason to hate yourself”


    Spencer watched her walk away, carrying her bag and her water bottle. 

    “Why is she leaving this early?” Courtney asked


    Spencer shrugged her eyes following the lone figure to the parking lot. A car pulled alongside, she bent down to talk to the driver through the open window. Ashley walked around the car and got in the passenger side of the car. Spencer recognized the driver Summer. She was the girl from the bar.  



    Spencer was occupied with school, it was time for mid-terms and tests and projects and she spent most of her time working in her apartment or in the quad. She had been cheering every game but Ashley didn’t seem to care for Spencer any more she would play her game and celebrate with the girls as Spencer sat right there and watched Ashley not even look her way. There eyes met once during a basketball. But she turned her head and shot the ball. She had become the talk of the school. There was not one person in the school who was not talking about her. All the girls were crazy about her, I mean who wouldn’t be. She funny, cute, smart, down to earth, caring, a REAL person, who wouldn’t like her? Spencer realized that she probably missed her chance with her. And she thought about us everyday.  


    The next Saturday Spencer was sitting on her deck reading and sipping her iced tea when her phone range. She picked up.


    “What are you doing?” came the voice of Sky

    “Um homework, and stuff… why”

    “That’s all you do!” she retorted

    “No I don’t” Spencer protested

    “Then you don’t mid coming-out with us?”

    “I don’t know—“

    “See, Spencer come on, one night, just ONE NIGHT, it won’t kill you to have a little fun”

    “Fine!! I’ll go, when and where?”

    “OK good come by my place and you can follow me and Jorie” sky replied

    “You know you and Jorie are getting really friendly lately, what’s up with that?” Spencer asked amused by the little funny noises coming from sky.

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