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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 7-Spencer’s breakdown)



    It has been a week since the x-ray.  A week since I was told they could not remove the bullet and I would probably never walk again.  I guess I am in shock because I have not really reacted to the news.  When we first heard it my dad and Glen expected the worse form me, but I just did not react.  Weirdly enough I think that worried them more.  I hear a knock and I answer,

    "Come in."  Leighson pops her head in.  I don’t remember an appointment today.

    "Hey, I just thought I would come to see you.  I know we didn’t have anything for today, but I thought we could do something anyway."  She smiles at me.  I notice that she looks like she is holding something back.

    "Okay, what did you have in mind?" 

    "How do you feel about this room?"  I am really curious about what she is hiding.

    "I hate it.  How would you feel staring at these walls all the time?"  I say full of sarcasm.

    "I felt about the same way you did I guess."  What?  "I will be right back with your new friend."  Again, what?  I see her backside first when she comes back in.  I smirk until she turns around.

    "What is that for?"  She cannot be serious.

    "I know it looks horrible Spencer, but you will have to get used to this if you want to get around."

    "Do I have to?"  I ask not really wanting to trust the thing she brought in with her.

    "Yes, for now this will be something you will need to depend on.  This is why we have been working with your upper body.  Trust me Spencer, it will not be that bad."  She comes closer to me, her eyes pleading with me to understand.  Dammit why does that work?

    "Alright, how do we go about this?"  I give in, knowing that she is right on some level.

    "For now I will help you, later on when your upper body is stronger you can try by yourself.  There is also lift systems that can be installed to help you as well."  I stare at her wondering how she is going to help me into the wheelchair.

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