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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Derby Sing and Date)

    Ashley looked around in shock. All the sororities participating in Derby Days were crammed into a large concert hall and were shouting and chanting their cheers. Costumes were being thrown on, and finishing touches of make up were applied. She scanned the area, and soon found Spencer’s sorority. Unfortunately, the two sororities were far apart, and yet Ashley could still spot the blonde. The sororities all shut up the moment the lights started to dim, and a man walked onto the stage. He presented information about the philanthropy of Derby Days, where the money went to, how long Sigma Chi had been participating in the event, and he thanked each sorority for being gracious enough to put so much time and effort into the philanthropy. Each sorority did their cheer as the man said their name, and then he dismissed himself from the stage, and the dancing began. Ashley watched in amazement as some sororities did excellent, and some were just all right. She cheered with her sisters as Omicron Mu Gamma stepped up and danced for a good 10 minutes.

    She waited anxiously for Spencer’s sorority to be called up, and became excited when they were put onto the stage, second to last. Although she couldn’t cheer out loud, she was yelling and screaming for her girlfriend on the inside, and she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. Spencer looked hot moving in sync with all the other girls. Being one of the better dancers, she was in the front for the dances she was in. In Ashley’s opinion, ‘Lust’ should’ve just had Spencer dancing…it would’ve made the most sense. Ashley couldn’t tear her eyes away as the blonde moved her hips, chest and everything else to the beat of the music. And when their 10 minutes were up, she cheered with the crowd as loud as she could, and watched Spencer leave the stage with the rest of her sisters. Ashley was too preoccupied imagining the blonde dancing again to pay attention to the last sorority, or even when the judges announced their short break before they could announce the winner. She was jolted out of her daydream when she felt her phone start to vibrate indicating that she had gotten a text message. What did u think? It was from Spencer. U were so hot!!! Xoxo! Was Ashley’s reply. She wanted to say something witty, something creative, but she was still reveling in the way the blonde moved her body, and knowing that she was Ashley’s.

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    1. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    2. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

    3. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    4. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

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