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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Where’s Spencer?)

    Ashley woke up the next afternoon feeling happy and satiated, but her feeling of happiness was short-lived as she realized that the blonde was not in her arms as she had been the night before. She looked at the clock and noted that it was 12:20 pm, and it was possible that the blonde just didn’t sleep that long. She looked around the room and noticed no sign of Spencer, and no note anywhere. ‘Maybe she just went to the bathroom,’ the brunette thought to herself. She tried not to worry, but there was a tinge of nervousness inside her. She shrugged and decided to take a shower, reasoning that Spencer would probably be back by the time she got out.

                Disappointment and worry spread throughout the brunette as she returned to an empty room. There was no indication that Spencer had been in there since she left. “Damnit!” she swore out loud.  “What if it wasn’t what she expected? What if she didn’t enjoy it…no…she definitely enjoyed it…what if it was too soon?” A million different scenarios plagued the brunette’s mind. Her stomach growled, and not being able to ignore it, she decided to head to the dining commons. Maybe she’d find Spencer on campus, or maybe at the sorority house.


                Ashley sighed as she arrived back at the dorms around five. She had yet to see Spencer or hear from her, and she didn’t know whether to be worried or upset. She had looked around campus, checked the library, and searched Greek Row, but all her attempts at finding the blonde were futile. She thought she had seen Spencer at the Sigma O house, but she hadn’t been certain. And she tried calling the blonde, but it just went straight to voicemail. She sat down at her desk feeling defeated. Something on the ground caught her eye. She looked down and saw them, the pictures, the ones that had been on her bulletin board. Hadn’t they been on her desk before?

                “OH SHIT!” Ashley exclaimed. “Spencer probably saw these and ran. Oh fuck,” she said to herself. “Well, I didn’t exactly have them hidden, that’s pretty stupid of me. At least now I know why she left. I just hope she comes back soon and gives me the chance to explain them to her.” With that, Ashley got up, put the pictures into her purse, in case she ran into Spencer, and decided to head out again, just in case the blonde came back to campus. There was a slim chance that now, after an entire day of looking, Ashley would spot her, but she couldn’t just stay in their room and wait around doing nothing.

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