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    Unexpected Visitor – (Chapter: One Shot)

    Ashley laid back on her bed and placed the headphones in her ears. She supposed that she should be sleeping, it was bearly three in the morning, but Ashley hadn’t gotten any real sleep in weeks. Spencer had gone on a backpacking trip through Europe with her mother to, quote on quote, "re-establish their connection," leaving Ashley by herself for two months. It had already been one long month and Ashley didn’t know if she could take it anymore without the blonde their hanging out with her, kissing her, touching her… The brunette groaned as she felt her center throb at the thought of her missing lover. Ashley used the all purpose remote to turn off the lights in her messy room. The maid had yet to come by and Ashley was a pig, she wouldn’t deny it, so the clothes and trash had piled up a bit.

    She felt her hands inch downwards toward the waistband of her shorts subconsiously. The brunette sighed, she had been doing this alot lately. She didn’t know what it was but something about the Carlin girl made her feel like a horny teenage boy. Then again, Ashley thought, Spencer probably did make alot of teenage boys horny. She was gorgeous, and all mine, the brunette thought a smile crossing her face. With the speed of someone very practiced Ashley skillfully removed her shorts and underwear.

    The brunette ran a finger alonf her already wet folds, teasing herself, wishing that it was the blonde who teasing her. She bit her lower lip hard, stifiling a moan as her finger brushed over the bundle of nerves that was craving her attention.

    With the picture of the blonde in her mind the brunette pushed two fingers deep into her hot entry way. This time she didn’t supress her moan and let it ring throughout her bedroom. She began moving her fingers faster into her her back arching off her comforter to match her thrusts.

    "Oh…God…" she mumrmered to no one in particular as she felt herself getting closer and closer to release, she moved faster and placed her resting hand under her shirt and against one of her taunt nipples. She placed her thumb over her clit which elected her fingers to move harder and deeper into her core.

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