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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 19)

    ‘Hey Spencer you out there?’ Ashley called out from the bathroom door.


    ‘Yeah…I’m in my room.’


    ‘Okay…I’m coming out in just a towel. Is that okay?’


    ‘Yeah, Ashley it’s fine.’ I laughed. She got out of the bathroom and walked into my room with a towel over herself.


    ‘Hmm I feel so clean.’


    ‘I’m gonna hop into the shower…you can go on the computer.’


    ‘Cool, I need to go on AIM.’


    ‘All right. You know what to do.’


    ‘Kay.’ She said




    Damn it what was my password again? Hmm…ugh nevermind I’ll just go onto Spencer’s sn. Okay CallmeSpence…password: blah blah blah. All right cool.


    A quick IM came and startled me.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: hi…I was thinking…maybe we should hang out. because I really want this to work. I’ll keep it hush hush. Don’t tell Nicole and I won’t tell Ashley all right?


    WTF? Is Spencer cheating on me…ugh! Okay what do I do what do I do? Do I IM here back? Okay..okay.. keep it together Ashley you got it.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: Hello?


    CallmeSpence: Yeah yeah okay…where do you want to meet?


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: I dunno. Were you going to Nicole’s party?


    CallmeSpence: Yeah…I guess.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: about I meet you there. I’ll meet you in the bathroom? Knock three times wait and then knock twice.


    CallmeSpence: okay..i’ll see you there


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx: all right..I love you Spencer.


    CallmeSpence: bye.


    xXalysha is AWESOMEXx has signed off.


    ‘Ugh, that bitch.’ I said quickly. I signed off and turned off her computer. I started to get ready when Spencer came in.


    ‘Hey…’ she said walking into the room with a towel wrapped around her.


    ‘Hello.’ I said not looking up and putting on my jeans. ‘Get ready fast cause I want to get to the part ASAP.


    ‘what’s the hurry?’ She said trying to look innocent. She can’t fool me this time!


    ‘oh nothing. Just want to be the first one to greet nicole.’


    ‘Okay weirdo.’ She laughed and put on her clothes.


    We both fixed our hair and applied our make-up and we were out of the house in 10.

    The car was quiet as I drove straight to the party. When I pulled up to the house I eyed the disco lights and bobbed my head to the beat of the music.


    ‘hmm. I have to go pee. I’ll meet you later.’ I said as I got out of the car.


    ‘Okay.’ Spencer said as she walked towards the door.


    I ran up to the bathroom and did the ‘special knock’ preparing for the worse. The door slowly opened revealing a very hot girl.


    ‘Alysha?’ I said as walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I eyed her up and down and a small smirk formed across my face.


    ‘Who are you?’ She said.


    ‘You really don’t want to know…’


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