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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 9-Confrontations)



    I have dropped Kyla off at her house, she didn’t want to talk anymore.  I shouldn’t have kissed her then maybe she wouldn’t have taken it so hard.  Then again I really wanted to kiss her, I have wanted to kiss her for weeks.  I’ll call her later to try and get her to talk to me.

    What am I going to do about Spencer and her being released.  I know I will talk to dad and see what he says, maybe he will have an idea to keep everyone apart.  I pull into the driveway and moms’ car is the only one here.  Crap, well I will wait for dad to get home before I say anything.  I walk through the front door and mom calls to me,

    "How was Spencer?  The hospital called and said that she is coming home tomorrow I bet she is excited."  Shit so much for the keeping quite plan. 

    "Yeah, I think it would be best if uhm she had people who…"  I stutter not really knowing how to put it.

    "People who what Glen?"  She stares at me with that condescending look and I just can’t take it,

    "People who care about her!"

    "I care about her."  She defends herself.

    "No you don’t, you only care about yourself and I don’t think you need to be anywhere near Spencer.  She needs support and love, you can’t give her that."  She just stands there for a second, but she soon she explodes,

    "How dare you, I am her mother you little shit and I will always do what is best for her!"

    "Shut up!  You are the furthest thing from a mother.  I will protect her from you."  I glare at her, conveying my thoughts. 

    "Not for long."I am about to reply when I hear the door open and turn to see my dad.  He looks at us and gives us a questioning look.

    "What is going on here?"  He asks walking towards us.

    "Your son is being disrespectful, I was just trying to be a good mother."  God, here comes the tears, there not even real.

    "Glen what is going on."  I notice that he doesn’t even go to mom or say anything to comfort her.  What am I missing?

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