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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: Chapter 13-Dancing to close)

    “Come on” Ashley whispered

    “I don’t know” Spencer answered softly


    Ashley walked off not mad she just didn’t want to be around her when she was frustrated. When all came back and started their conversations again Spencer and Ashley ignored each other again. But when another slow song cam eon Ashley asked Spencer and Spencer couldn’t deny it.




    As Ashley walked both girls to the floor among the other couples. It was to dark to see anything else. Spencer didn’t want to see Ashley’s dark brown eyes and what might they hold. As Spencer moved close in her arms, Spencer circled her back, holding her tightly as she felt Ashley’s warm hands pressing into her back. They held each other, bodies caressing , legs touching, hips straining to meet. Their breasts pressed tightly together. Spencer closed her eyes shut willing her self not to remember what it was like to lay naked with Ashley, to make love to her but she remembered. She remembered every detail of Ashley’s body. Hoe soft it was, how lean and strong it was and how warm it was. She remembered her lips on hers, her tongue on her, and to feel her touch again would be a sin. Ashley pressed spencer into her a little more, blending herself into her. Both hands behind spencer back and spencer freed her hand and put one Ashley’s shoulder and touched her face, her fingers lightly tracing Ashley’s cheek, thumb touching her lips. How she ached to feel those lips on hers once more.


    They said nothing. Not one word, Spencer knew that if they had, she would have been able to resist. When Ashley turned her head Spencer was waiting and their lips met, softly, gently, and Spencer opened under her, accepting her tongue, meeting it with her own. How she wanted this women. Ashley moved her away from the dancers, and Spencer felt the wall behind her. She reached blindly for Ashley. They took what they wanted up against the wall, the same one from the first time. Pent up desire no released stormed through them. They had been so hungry all these weeks and now they could feast. Spencer forgot about the others in the room. It was just the two of them. Her back shielding spencer from the other dancers, caressing her breasts. Spencer cried out, and Ashley’s mouth was there covering hers as her fingers traced Spencer’s swollen nipples through her shirt. Spencer’s hands on either side of Ashley’s face keeping her close. Her mouth couldn’t get enough of Ashley. Their kisses were hot wet and hard. Her own hands moved down yarning to touch Ashley. They settled on her breast, cupping them intimately.


    “Do you remember?” Ashley demanded “do you remember how it felt when I touched you? When I was inside you?”
    Spencer groaned and pulled Ashley hard against her. Her legs opened and Ashley pressed the thigh there, caressing Spencer to cry out again.


    “I remember your hands on me” Ashley whispered “I remember your mouth in me, your tongue inside me”

    Spencer felt drugged and she strained to touch Ashley through her blouse as her mouth opened to Ashley’s insistent tongue.

    “Do you remember every detail of that night?” Ashley demanded

    “YES, you know I do” Spencer breathed in her mouth.

    Confused Ashley moved her again onto the dance floor. She wasn’t ready. She had not nearly had enough of Ashley’s kisses but seconds later the song ended and the lights were turned up. She was stunned by the desire she saw in Ashley’s eyes, her reveled just as much if not even more. She felt captivated by her eyes. She couldn’t look away. She was sorry that the song ended. The other dancers pulled apart and so did they.


    “you know I want you” Ashley said bluntly


    “you want me too” she accused

    “yes” Spencer admitted “but I cant”

    “you’re a very stubborn women”

    “I’m sorry” Spencer whispered


    Ashely simply nodded and they walked back to the table hands still clutched together. Spencer was surprised that a short time later Ashley got ready to leave.


    “See you at school” and she was gone.


    Later that night when spencer had taken her shower she crawled naked in bed and thought of Ashley. She didn’t feel guilty for what they did. Yet spencer was great full that Ashley didn’t press up on her or force her. If Ashley asked to leave and come here spencer would have agreed. But spencer knew she couldn’t let Ashley in to her heart. She had been hurt to bad by someone just like her. She didn’t want to go through that again


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