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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Don’t Scare Me Like That!)

    I’m here, lying on my bed, listening to my iPod as loud as I can without hurting my ears. I get lost in the music, listening to the lyrics, tapping my hands to the beat. It’s the only time I have where I’m not thinking about Ashley and Kyla. All day and all night, they’re all I think about. But I find that as long as I have music blasting, nothing else can infiltrate my mind. It’s a relief.

    As I’m getting lost in songs and hidden messages with my eyes closed, a hand grasps my shoulder, and I scream and fall out of bed. I furiously look up at blue eyes which are similar to my own. Glen’s laughing at my own expense. I turn off my iPod and remove my earphones, all the while glaring at him. He finally recovers from his laughter, and puts on a more serious face.

    “What do you want?” I ask irritably. I don’t take to being scared all too well.

    “Who do you love?” he asks in a stern voice. Really…seriously guys…what the hell? Why is everyone asking me this question?

    “It’s none of your business!” I say in an angry voice.

    “I told you, Spencer, I told you that this would just blow up in your face if you allowed for this to continue!” I really don’t need this. I hate it that he was right. He did tell me. He found out about Ashley and me a while ago.

    Ashley and I had been sneaking around for two weeks now, taking every opportunity we could to see each other. It wasn’t difficult considering her mom was never home, and with Aiden having basketball practice every day after school, and Kyla having drama club every other day, and neither one of us was into extracurricular activities, finding time alone was never hard.

    One day, during our third week, we just knew we had to see each other. She’d been teasing me all day. Innocent grazing of our hands, rubbing her foot up my leg during lunch, and sending me dirty little text messages throughout the day. Really, I didn’t know someone could get so turned on from text messages…but she managed. Unfortunately for our situation, Kyla didn’t have drama club that afternoon, but I’d be damned if I was going to let that get in my way. Ashley and I came up with a plan, and when Kyla invited me over to hang out after school, I told her I wasn’t feeling well, and just felt like going home to take a nap. She looked genuinely concerned, but took me home, and with a kiss, I got out of her car, and let myself into my house.

    The moment she was gone, I called Ashley to tell her that the coast was clear, and she could come over. Glen had basketball practice, Clay was spending time with Chelsea, and my parents were gone. With my mom always working odd hours, I never knew whether or not she’d be home when we got back from school. I guess that day was just our lucky day, and everyone happened to be out of the house. Within five minutes of me saying goodbye to Kyla, Ashley was in my house, and kissing me. I pulled away for air, not having taken a complete breath before she started kissing me.

    “Couldn’t wait till we got up to my room?” I asked with a smirk.

    “Of course not!” she replied. She was smiling, and it reached her eyes. “So…to your room?” she questioned while looking around. It hadn’t occurred to me before, but Ashley had never seen too much of my house. The only other time that she had been inside was when we went to Grey.

    “Yeah, let’s go,” I said while grabbing her hand. I felt the shock of grabbing her hand. Just her hand and I felt sparks! That should let you know how hot and fantastic the sex was. I lead her upstairs and into my room. I’d give her a tour of my house some other time. Right then, I had to have her. She looked around my room, taking everything in. It seemed so juvenile compared to hers, but that didn’t matter all too much. All we would be needing to use was the bed anyway.

    After finally wearing ourselves out and then talking about everything we usually talked about, and nothing of importance, and while still being cautious of time, we both got dressed, and I walked her down to the door. She smiled at me, and we kissed before I let her out.

    “I thought you were with Kyla,” came a deep voice. I jumped slightly and then turned around and saw Glen watching from the living room. I knew we had been caught. Even if we hadn’t kissed, our appearance lead to nothing other than us having wild and hot sex.

    “I am…” I said quietly. He looked at me disapprovingly.


    “Listen, Glen, I know what I’m doing, okay? Ashley and I, we aren’t in love or anything. We’re just, sleeping together.” Okay, I so did not want to have to tell my brother that. ” I love Kyla, and we’re together.” I said with a tone of finality. He just shook his head.

    “Listen, I’m not the paradigm of morals and virtue, but be careful, okay? You’re treading on thin ice, and this can’t end up good.” I was in no mood to receive pearls of wisdom from Glen.

    “Okay, yeah, thanks Glen,” I said not really caring.

    “Spencer, you’re messing with feelings here, okay? I mean, it’s one thing to sleep around if you’re single. But you’re not. If Kyla finds out..”

    “She won’t,” I reply, hoping against hope that I really can keep her from finding out. He shook his head.

    “All right, do what you want. I can’t make you stop. But this will blow up in your face one day. You’ll be hurting a lot of your friends. Not to mention that Ashley is Kyla’s sister…her sister! That’s also ruining their relationship!”

    “I know Glen!” my voice was strained with anger at this point. I had already thought about this. I don’t know why I was so upset. Probably because I had actually been caught cheating on my girlfriend.

    “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he replied. With that he turned back to the t.v. to play video games. I rolled my eyes, but kept his words tucked in the back of my head.

    Glen is studying me now as I allow my thoughts to drift through my mind. Clearly he is waiting for an answer. Not like he actually deserves one. He’s not a part of this. He’s not affected by what’s going on.


    “I don’t know,” I reply, finally letting out the truth.

    “Well, you better figure it out, and soon.”

    “Why do you care so much?” I ask, trying not to sound rude, but I’m wondering why he’s throwing himself into my life, when he already has one of his own. And he’s never been this involved in my life before.

    “Dennison came up to me practically crying. I swear, he’s such a pussy sometimes. But he told me the whole situation. You’ve left the guy with no friends. His girlfriend, whom he trusted, was sleeping with one of his best friends. So, he’s kind of got no friends. I mean, he’s got friends, guys on the team and everything, but he for some reason felt it necessary to tell me about his problems. I guess it’s cause you and I are related. Whatever, I don’t know. Just, figure it out, okay Spencer? Because if I have to listen to him bitch, whine, and complain, I think I might kill myself. And with one dead basketball star, and one that can’t function because he lost his girlfriend, there’s no way King High stands to make it to the finals. And then the whole school will really hate you.” I laugh slightly at his rant. I know he’s actually just trying to look out for me. It’s nice of him, but not necessary.

    “Thanks, Glen, I think. I’ve got to figure this out on my own.” He just nods his head and leaves my room. I pick up my iPod, think about going back to my state of ‘peace’ but I know I can’t. I’ve got a decision to make. Glen’s right. I’m hurting people this way. The people that I love are waiting for my answer, and I can’t stand that I’m the cause of that pain.


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