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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Hello Class)

    Chapter Twenty-One


    “What a jerk!” Spencer cried as she slammed her sandwich down on the table.


    “Whoa there Spence!” Marco cried as he held onto his drink that was threatening to spill over. He quickly balanced the rest of his lunch so that there were no more possible food casualties.


    “Sorry, Marco. I just can’t believe that guy.” Spencer exclaimed again.


    “No worries. I totally put him in his place. He was treating me like I was some spoiled teenager who just woke up one morning and went ‘Hey you know what…I think I want to take over the SCU Music program…just for kicks.’ He is going to be some trouble I can just sense it.” Ashley said taking a bite of her salad.


    “What’s his name? I can ask around and get some dirt on him so that in the future if he starts becoming a pain we could use it against him. No one is safe from my detective skills…I’m just that good…” Marco proudly declared. Ashley and Spencer looked at each other and started laughing. “Hey…I’m serious…if you want dirt then dirt you shall have.”


    “Well I don’t think we are quite up to the blackmail stage just yet. I will definitely solicit your services if and when the time comes.” Ashley said placing her hand on Spencer’s knee. Spencer smiled at Ashley and placed her hand on top of the brunette’s.


    “So you haven’t had your first class yet have you?” Spencer asked sliding Ashley’s hand further up so that it was resting on her thigh.


    “No…just had the faculty meeting this morning. I have 2 classes this afternoon that I heard filled up very quickly.” She replied drawing circles on Spencer’s inner thigh. Spencer’s breathing started to pick up and she let out a slight sigh.


    Marco’s ears quickly perked up at the sigh he heard coming from his blonde roomie. “You two I swear are like bunnies…you just keep going and going…” He cried picking up the rest of his lunch and mumbled as he left Spencer’s office “and going…and going.


    Spencer walked to her office door and gave her secretary a gesture informing her that she would not be taking any calls. She closed the door and stood against it as she stared at her beautiful girlfriend who was now leaning against her desk with a devilish smile on her face. Spencer closed the gap between the two and placed her arms on either side of the brunette’s body. Ashley pulled her in for a deep kiss and felt the blonde begin to undo the buttons of her blouse exposing her toned stomach.

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    1. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

    2. Aww Tay…I am not one to dwell on drama…I actually like a nice story…yes there will be hiccups along the way but I want Spashley fans to be happy for a long time…so the fluffiness will continue just for you Tay… :)

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