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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Let’s Get Phsyical!)

    Two pairs of eyes stared intently at the screen in front of them as images flashed before them. Both pretended to be completely caught up in the movie while secretly thinking about the other. Tuesday night was movie night for Spencer and Ashley since Paula always worked late on Tuesdays. The brunette allowed her eyes to move from the pointless movie, to the girl sitting next to her. She had yet to ask what happened the day before when she had skipped class to hang out with Lily, and she was having an internal debate on whether or not she should ask. She knew she had told Spencer that if she was going to be helping her, she didn’t want to know the details, but now she found herself wondering what had occurred between the two.




                “Hmm?” the blonde now turned to face her friend.


                “You’ve been staring at me for at least three-fourths of the movie…and we’re only 45 minutes into it.” Ashley blushed profusely and looked away. “What’s going on?” Here it was, the time to decide whether or not she should ask what had transpired between the two blonde girls, or if she should just let it be.


                “Well…I was wondering, and you don’t have to tell me, but I wanted to know what happened yesterday. You know…after you left English class.”


                “Oh, okay. Not much. We grabbed some ice cream and then hung out at the beach for a while,” Spencer replied nonchalantly. The brunette studied her closely.


                “Is that all?” the younger girl fidgeted uncomfortably.


                “Um, not exactly. But I thought you didn’t want to know anything else?” Ashley frowned and furrowed her eyebrows.


                “If you don’t mind sharing, then I’d like to know.” The blonde looked slightly uncomfortable at revealing such information, but she nodded her head.


                “We were on the beach enjoying our ice cream and watching people stroll along, and one minute we’re just laughing and talking, and the next she was kissing me.” With that the blonde looked back at the movie that was playing and prayed that the room would be too dark for the older girl to witness the blush that was starting to spread across her cheeks.

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