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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 12-Confrontations again?)


    I woke up this morning not looking forward to tonight.  I will talk to Lee about it and see what she thinks about the whole situation.  I also am not trying to think about what my dad said this morning.  He thinks I should start back to school on Monday and I just don’t think I am ready to see everybody.  Including Ashley and Aiden.  Thinking about them together is bad enough, I don’t think I could stand to see them together.  Glen knocks on my door pulling me from my thoughts,

    "Hey, Lee is here for your session.  Are you still going to ask her to come with us tonight?"  I don’t know if he is curious or afraid of the answer.

    "Yeah, I think her being there will give me a better support since she has been through this."  He nods his head understanding.  He leaves and I head to the living room for my session.

    "I see that you are getting better with your chair.  How are you doing with moving yourself?"  I blush embarrassed at the question and what I am going to answer.

    "I have been practicing a lot with the chair and I can do ok going to the bathroom, but I still have problems with getting in and out of bed."

    "Alright, we will focus on your upper body now.  Once you build up your strength it will get easier."  She smiles at me and we get started on my exercises.  It seems that ever since I found out about her being paralyzed I want to do better.  I try not and complain when the weights start to feel heavy.  I guess if she can do it so can I.  The two hours pass without much conversation.  I am just concentrating on the exercises and Lee is concentrating on me to make sure I don’t overdo myself.

    "That’s good for today.  You did really well Spencer I am proud of you."  I feel myself turn red.  I don’t think she saw it since she is packing up her weights.  I realize that I have something to ask her,

     "Lee, did you want to go out with me tonight?"  I rush out, god I hope she understood that.

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    1. Romantic getaway for Ashley and Aiden?! I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. This update was really sad. I feel so bad for Spencer and so angry at Ashley and Aiden. I can’t wait to find out what Ashley is thinking. Surely she’s not in love with Aiden??!! I’m glad Spencer told her off.

    2. God, I hate fucking Ashley in this fic. Spencer really should have called her a stupid slut or something, like fa real. I want Spencer to get angry and voice that anger.

    3. Romantic getaway for Ashley and Aiden?! I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. This update was really sad. I feel so bad for Spencer and so angry at Ashley and Aiden. I can’t wait to find out what Ashley is thinking. Surely she’s not in love with Aiden??!! I’m glad Spencer told her off.

    4. God, I hate fucking Ashley in this fic. Spencer really should have called her a stupid slut or something, like fa real. I want Spencer to get angry and voice that anger.

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