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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 20)

    I waited impatiently for Ashley to return from her bathroom break on the couch. Other people showed up after I arrived and were heading to the dance floor. I sipped the cool drink and watched some couple feel up on each other. Don’t ask why I was looking at them.


    ‘Hey…’ A familiar voice said as they sat on the empty space next to me.


    ‘Hey. Great party.’ I said hugging her.


    ‘Thanks’ She smiled.


    ‘So yeah. How’s everything?’ I asked.


    ‘It’s all good.’


    ‘I talked to Alysha. She said that you guys were happy.’


    ‘Yeah…we are.’ She smiled.


    ‘Okay…’ I said uneasily as I fidgeted around in my seat.






    ‘I guess I’ll head out.’


    ‘Yeah okay. Bye.’ I said hugging her again and she left.




    ‘So…Alysha, that is your name right?’


    ‘Yeah…who are you?’


    ‘That’s useless information…why don’t you tell me why you want to me my girlfriend tonight?’


    ‘Your…your girlfriend?’


    ‘Spencer? Tall, blonde, totally hottie who belongs to me!’ I screamed in her face.


    ‘Ohh…Spencer.’ She said uneasily.


    ‘Now answer my question. Why did you want to meet Spencer?’


    ‘We were just up gonna hang out you know.’ She said moving backwards and soon enough hit the wall.


    ‘What were you going to do?’ I said moving closer to her.


    ‘Nothing…nothing just friend stuff.’


    ‘Uh..huh. Maybe this will knock some sense into you!’ I yelled squeezing my fist and punching her in the face. Her head hit the wall hard as she slowly descended to the tiled floor. ‘Don’t ever mess with me or Spencer ever again!’ I yelled shoving her with my foot and made my way out of the bathroom.



    ‘Ashley!’ I called out when I spotted her coming down the stairs. She smiled and walked over to me.


    ‘Hey…sorry I took a long time.’


    ‘Eww..’ I said making a face.


    ‘Spencer!’ She laughed.


    ‘What? I’m mean were all humans here, right?’


    ‘Haha…right…’ She smiled and grabbed my hand.


    ‘Hmm…your hand are soft.’


    ‘Yeah I found lotion in the bathroom so I took some.’


    ‘That’s bad.’


    ‘You act like you didn’t do that before.’


    ‘I actually didn’t.’


    ‘You are so innocent.’ She smiled and giggled.


    ‘That’s why you love me!’ I said pouting my lips.


    ‘Yes I do.’ Ashley said grabbing my waist and pulling me into her capturing my lips in hers. I retracted my head back and a smile formed on my face.


    ‘What? Do I have something in my teeth?’ She asked showing her my teeth.


    ‘No no…you’re chap stick. It smells good. It’s like strawberry.’


    ‘Your favorite right?’


    ‘Yeup.’ I laughed and sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her. She sat down slowly.


    ‘Have you seen Alysha lately?’


    ‘Why do you need to see Alysha?’ she shot back.


    ‘Gosh. Can’t I just say hi to a friend.’


    ‘A friend?’


    ‘Yeah.’ I said slowly.


    ‘Yeah right!’


    ‘What are you talking about?’


    ‘I know what’s happening Spencer. Don’t try to play it off.’


    ‘What are you talking about Ashley?’


    ‘You and Alysha. I know what you have between each other.


    ‘There’s nothing between us.’


    ‘Then why didn’t she say I love you!’ She yelled.


    ‘What? What are you talking about. How do you know she said I love you.’


    ‘That’s not the point. Spencer your cheating on me!’ She screamed causing the whole house to become quiet and focus on us.


    ‘Ashley…your making a scene. Let’s not do this right now.’


    ‘I’m doing this because I love you Spencer. I’m just not sure if you feel the same.’ She said breathing slowly.


    ‘Me either.’ I said quietly and she looked at me.


    ‘You bitch.’ She whispered and walked out of the house leaving me there.


    1. this story is good, but make sure you watch your point of view changes. i found myself having to reread parts over again because it kept changing and it was a bit confusing. other than that, good job.

    2. this story is good, but make sure you watch your point of view changes. i found myself having to reread parts over again because it kept changing and it was a bit confusing. other than that, good job.

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