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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Let ’em fight, Let ’em fight!)

                Adults always say, “My high school years were some of the best years of my life.” Well, I’ve never been a believer of that, and now, it’s only gotten worse. I’ve never truly loved high school, but it’s been tolerable. King High has always seemed like a big school, especially compared to the high school I went to in Ohio. But now, the school’s not big enough. Everywhere I go, I find myself coming across Aiden, Kyla, and Ashley. I’d like to point out that all of them ignore me as well. Well, maybe not exactly ignore me, more like won’t talk to me. Aiden keeps glaring at me, Kyla pretty much refuses to be next to me (which I don’t understand…won’t this make prom a bit awkward? Not like it won’t be already), and Ashley keeps looking at me with sad eyes. But every time I approach her, she shakes her head and walks away. In all fairness, I know I deserve each treatment they dish out to me. I’ve screwed up.


                It’s lunch time now…which is just fantastic because I’ve got nowhere to sit. Seeing as how usually I’m sitting with Kyla, Aiden, and Ashley, all of whom are not talking to me, I don’t know where exactly it is that I’m supposed to go. I feel like the new girl again. Unfortunately I don’t have the benefit of a clean slate, and the ability to go up to a different group of people to sit down and talk to. Once you establish yourself in high school, what group you associate with, it’s difficult to switch groups. And of course I didn’t have a large selection of friends to start out with, so I can’t exactly hang out with anyone else.


                My new lack of social stability had me wandering about the halls, not really in the mood to eat. That’s when I see her. The beautiful raven haired beauty with the rock star attitude. I’m about to make my way over to her, but stop when I notice yet another gorgeous brunette making her way up to her sister. The younger Davies grabs her sister’s arm, and leads her away towards the gym. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I find myself following them at a safe distance.

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