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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 1 Three thousand dollars!)

    A Lovely Trip to Antartica!

    Chapter 1 (3 thousand dollars!)

    It was a hot summer day in the mist of July and Ashley was laying in front of a fan consuming all the cool air that was coming trough.

    "Its so hottt!!…."Ashley screamed out while turning the fan up a notch.

    "Your the one sitting in front of a fan!" Spencer said, who was fanning herself with a book. "Wouldn’t it be so nice if we lived in Antartica right now!"

    "Yeah …… it’s so boring here!" Ashley complained.

    "No, its not, how can there possibly be nothing to do in L.A.?”

    "Well first of all, its never been this hot! Ever!" Ashley replied.

    "Ok….. but…." Spencer started while staring at the ceiling. There was a lond pause till Ashley said "You know going to Antartica isn’t such a bad idea, it’d be cool, literally!"

    "What!" Spencer asked.

    "It could be a summer trip, wanna come?" Ashley asked.

    "Umm….. I would, but I don’t think that my parents would let me take a trip to Antartica, espesially with you!" Spencer said after looking up to see Ashley enjoying the cool breeze coming from the fan.

    "I’ll get the tickets tonight and you can get your stuff and we can be on our way off to Antartica!" Ashley said with alot of entusiasm.

    "Your kidding right?" Spencer asked with a confused look on her face.

    "Does it look like I’m kidding, I so want to get out of this dump!"

    Ashley got up from the floor and walked over to her laptop, which was on her desk. Then the opened it and started typeing. After about 3 minutes the printer started printing. Ashley got up grabbed the papers and walked over to Spencer handing her one of them.

    "Well, heres your ticket, at least the reciept for your ticket!" Ashley said.

    Spencer took a look at the sheeet of paper and her jaw dropped. "Three thousand dollars!"

    "Now you are coming right? After I spent three thousand dollars on your ticket!"

    "…..but…." Ashley just gave her a questioning look, Spencer sighed and said "You know my parents are going to murder both of us when we get back right!" Ashley just smiled.


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