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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 15-The Phone Call)


    "What the hell is a matter with you?  Why can’t you stay out of other people’s business you crippled bitch!"

    "Don’t call me that asshole.  What the hell is your problem?"  I scream back at him.

    "My problem is you.  Ashley came to me crying saying that you told her to make a decision between us.  Why can’t you grow up and realize she needs both of us.  If you force this, you will lose her forever."

    "Then I will lose her forever.  I am the only one who is being grown up about this.  I never told her to decide between us, that is all her choice.  What about you Aiden, could you stand to lose Ashley?"

    "I lost her once, I will  not lose her to you.  She would just humor you, she wouldn’t be happy with you.  Can you please her?  You can’t even feel anything down there." 

    "Fuck you Aiden, if you’re so confident about Ashley staying with you why are you calling me?"  Glen must have heard my yelling because he rushes into my room.

    "What is the matter?"  He asks noticing some silent tears coming down my face.  I hand the phone to Glen and he puts it up to his ear, then his face turns almost purple,

    "What did you say about my sister, you small-dicked asshole!  I am going to kick your ass!"  He shuts the phone, hands it to me and takes off out the door.

    "Glen wait."  I try and catch up to him, but my chair catches.  By the time I get to the door I see his car screech out of the driveway.

    "Dad, you have to go after Glen!"  I race into the kitchen.

    "What’s the matter?"  I tell about the phone call, what was said, and how Glen reacted.  He grabs his keys and races out the door.  Now what?  I guess I just wait for everyone to get back.  Why does everything keep getting messed up?  I thought trying to get things to work with Ashley was not going to hurt anyone.  Am I being selfish?  No, I am not going to put myself through this.  Ashley needs to make some kind of decision so we all can move on.  I hope my dad gets Glen in time.  Aiden may deserve to get his ass kicked, but Aiden is a big enough ass to press charges.

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    1. Have I told you I love you? If not I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I think I got my point across anywhos I hope you post more before spring break (ur spring break is early) but I guess when we are on spring break we can sit around and read ur stories :D

    2. I am so glad Glen beat up Aiden. He totally deserved a beat down. Ashley does have some growing up to do. I wonder what her slip up will be next time? Please PMS! This story just kills me but I can’t seem to get enough of it.

    3. Have I told you I love you? If not I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I think I got my point across anywhos I hope you post more before spring break (ur spring break is early) but I guess when we are on spring break we can sit around and read ur stories :D

    4. I am so glad Glen beat up Aiden. He totally deserved a beat down. Ashley does have some growing up to do. I wonder what her slip up will be next time? Please PMS! This story just kills me but I can’t seem to get enough of it.

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