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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 16-Truth About Lee)


    "My death."

    "I’m sorry, but did you just say your death?"  I ask not completely sure what she is talking about.

    "Yes, I died five and a half years ago."  Okay I am not getting this.

    "Could you explain some more." 

    "I’m trying just give me a sec."  She asks so I sit there patiently.  "Have you ever heard of the O’Hegerty family?"

    "Uhm no, should I have heard of them."  I ask not really knowing where she is going with this.

    "I guess if you don’t keep up with the world news you wouldn’t know who they were.  I guess I will start at the beginning.  I was born Leighson O’Hegerty.  Daughter of the head of the IRA.  In Ireland that stands for the Irish Republican Army or to most the Irish mafia."  My mouth drops open when I hear this.  I’ve been crushing on a mobster.  Oh my god.  I want to roll away, but then I remember how she has treated me and that she has never shown any aggression towards anyone, except that time with Glen, but he deserved it.

    "So, you are a mobster?"  Maybe I should have said that better.

    "I was, well I guess you could say I never became a mobster in the first place.  I always hated what my family was and tried to stay out of it.  Colvin was my brother’s girlfriend and she got involved about the same time I did, when my brother was killed by our rivals.  We joined my father in exacting our revenge.  I will not go into detail because I do not want to remember it.  After a while I got sick of the destruction and it did not help my grief.  I wanted out, but as most know, you don’t leave the mafia.  So I tried to slowly merge myself away from it all."

    "Is that when you faked your death?"  I interrupt.

    "No, my father let me loosen my ties.  Unfortunately he pissed off some big names and they do not care that I have cut myself off.  All they see is a way to get back at my father.  I was taken and well they did not kill, I wish they had at the time.  I was tortured in many ways, I don’t know how long I was there, but my father finally decided to come after me.  Mainly because Colvin kept pushing him and telling him that I was still alive.  So he searched and found out where I was." 

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    1. I think Ashley will make things right by helping Colvin out in the next chapter. I can’t believe Lee just left like that. I didn’t really get mad at Ashley, she just loves Spencer and sometimes you do stupid things when you’re in love. Ashley will make it better and then Spashley will reunite.

    2. I think Ashley will make things right by helping Colvin out in the next chapter. I can’t believe Lee just left like that. I didn’t really get mad at Ashley, she just loves Spencer and sometimes you do stupid things when you’re in love. Ashley will make it better and then Spashley will reunite.

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