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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 17-Growing Up and Making Choices)


    "Maybe I can help?"

    I turn to see Ashley standing in the driveway.  How long has she been there?

    "What do you want know Ashley?"  I ask.

    "This is Ashley?  This is the reason Lee is gone?"  Colvin starts to get up and I pull her back down.  I wonder how many people want to beat up Ashley?  The number seems to keep going up.

    "Remember what Lee said."  That calms her down, but she doesn’t look at Ashley.

    "I know I messed up, I thought I was doing the right thing.  If I know, I wouldn’t have done it.  I guess I was jealous and I was going to try anything to get Spencer back."  Ashley defends herself.

    "And you think that was the best way to go about it.  You don’t know much about girls or romance do you?"  Colvin says while staring at Ashley.  I was starting to think the same thing.

    "No I don’t, I usually don’t have to work hard to get people.  They usually just fall into bed with me."

    "Not helping Ashley."  I inform her thinking she is going to go on.

    "Right, the point is I don’t know what to do to make this better.  I all know is that I want to find out what I can do.  Even with the whole anniversary thing, Chelsea planned most of it.  I’m just clueless, but I am trying.  Doesn’t that count for something?"  Ashley asks.

    "I haven’t decided if it does yet Ashley.  We have some things to talk out, but first what where you saying about helping?"  I ask not wanting to get into it with Ashley while Colvin is sitting right here.

    "I thought she could move into the apartment I have.  That would handle the situation of where she can live.  We can try and work out some other things like maybe dyeing your hair and…"  I interrupt not understanding what she is talking about. 

    "What do you mean your apartment?  Since when do you have an apartment?" 

    "Since I told my mother to shove her rules up her ass and moved out."  My jaw drops, she did what?

    "Ashley, you don’t have any money.  How are you affording this?"  I ask, hoping she is not doing anything stupid.

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    1. OH MY GOD!! Are you serious!?! Oh man, you better kill Aiden in such a unique fashion in this story of your’s to make up for hurting Spencer so much! lol You better have like one of the Mafia dudes to cut off Aiden’s dick and slap him silly with it or something to that nature. lol, I’m terribly sorry for that horid visual, but c’mon…gotta admit that’d be funny. PMS!!

    2. Ummmm…I hate to beg but…PLEASE DON’T LEAVE THE STORY HANGING LIKE THAT. Maybe the impact will dislodge the bullet lodged in Spencer’s spine and she will be able to walk again?? That would be great. Anyway, please PMS!

    3. OH MY GOD!! Are you serious!?! Oh man, you better kill Aiden in such a unique fashion in this story of your’s to make up for hurting Spencer so much! lol You better have like one of the Mafia dudes to cut off Aiden’s dick and slap him silly with it or something to that nature. lol, I’m terribly sorry for that horid visual, but c’mon…gotta admit that’d be funny. PMS!!

    4. Ummmm…I hate to beg but…PLEASE DON’T LEAVE THE STORY HANGING LIKE THAT. Maybe the impact will dislodge the bullet lodged in Spencer’s spine and she will be able to walk again?? That would be great. Anyway, please PMS!

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