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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 24)

    ‘Spencer.’ Alysha said softly as she stroked my hair.


    ‘Yeah?’ I groaned.


    ‘Your beautiful.’


    ‘Ugh, no I’m not.’ I said putting my hand in my face and turning over to my side having my back to her.


    ‘I still think you are.’ She replied putting her arms around my waist.




    ‘You smell good.’


    ‘Thank you.’


    ‘I love it.’ She said as she moved on top of me so she was on my back. She pressed her lips softly on my bare back.


    ‘Stop…your giving me goosebumps.’


    ‘Is that so?’ She said rubbing her hands along my arms.


    ‘You’re making it worse!’ I whined moving around to get her off.


    ‘Weee!’ She screamed holding on to my back.






    ‘Get off me.’ I laughed pushing her off.


    ‘Fine fine. Why do you want me off you for?’


    ‘Cause I want to be on top of you.’ I replied pushing her on the bed. I guided my knee over her body so that I was on top of her.


    She gasped and smiled. ‘Spencer! You want to be on top of me, you bitch.’


    ‘What’d you call me?’


    ‘A bitch.’


    ‘You don’t call your girlfriend a bitch.’


    She smiled, ‘Girlfriend, ay?’


    I closed my eyes tightly realizing what I just said and laughed in embarrassment. ‘Well, yeah. I mean- yeah…cause we’re yeah would you…um like….’






    ‘You are an awesome girlfriend.’ She giggled pulling me onto her body as she leaned into kiss me.


    +-+ [Ashley]


    I woke up in my room, my dark room.


    ‘Lily?’ I spoke out.


    ‘In the bathroom!’ She called out.


    ‘What happened last night?’


    ‘We had sex.’


    ‘Oh.’ I responded leaning on the backboard of the bed.


    ‘It was great.’ She laughed.


    ‘OH! Okay that sounds better.’




    ‘Not really.’


    ‘Lucky ass. My head is going nuts.’


    ‘Hmm…come here.’


    ‘Your too far.’


    ‘Don’t you want to get into this very comfy bed.’ I responded.


    ‘Got a better offer?’


    ‘I’m in the bed.’






    ‘All right then! I’m coming!’ She yelled turning off the faucet and headed towards me.


    ‘Are we gonna have sex again?’


    ‘Why are you asking?’


    ‘Because I wanna.’


    ‘Damn Ashley. Chill out sex puppy.’


    ‘What’d you call me?’


    ‘Shut up and let me show you my stuff.’ She laughed as she and pulled me closer to her.


    +-+ [Spencer]



    ‘Oh my god…no this can’t happen…dad please. Dad! Oh my god. Nooo.’ Alysha cried.


    I looked at her confused. What happened? I mouthed to her. She looked at me with tears running down her cheeks and shook her head. My face dropped. I scooted over to her side of the bed and placed my arms around her. She quickly looked at me and removed my arm as she shook her head.


    ‘Dad I’ll talk to you when I get home….yeah okay okay bye.’ She said as she hung up the phone.


    ‘What happe-’


    ‘My brother died.’


    ‘Oh my gosh Alysha…I’m so sorry.’ I said moving close to her and taking her in my arms.


    ‘Spencer don’t okay.’ She said moving away from me.


    ‘Alysha I’m just trying to help.’


    ‘I don’t need it. I need to go.’


    ‘At least talk to me!’


    ‘No, no I can’t I need to go.’


    ‘At least tell me when I’ll see you again.’




    ‘No?’ I asked.


    ‘No…I can’t.’ She breathed in slowly, ‘I can’t see you again.’


    ‘What why?’


    ‘I need some time alone. Just please, Spencer please understand.’


    ‘How could I understand…my girlfriend just broke up with me!’ I yelled


    ‘I need to go.’ She said softly as she walked out of my room…and soon enough, out of my life.


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