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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: 15- Dinner with the Enemy.)

    “So I was thinking why don’t we go to dinner tomorrow night?” Ashley asked

    “No, thank you” Spencer said not meeting her eyes

    “Why not?” Ashley asked with a confused face

    “Because I don’t want to like you then I already do Ashley”

    “…why don’t you wan tot like me?”

    Spencer frowned at her “because it’s not good that’s why”

    “You’re wrong it was great Spencer”

    “That’s not what I meant Ashley” “this isn’t just about sex and this attraction i feel between us”

    “Are you attracted to me?” Ashley asked eyebrows raised

     Spencer didn’t answer

    “Cant you even say it to me?” Ashley asked again

    “I don’t want to get involved with you” she finally said

    “We’re already involved” Ashley said

    “No we’re not”

    “Yes we are whether you like it or not”

    “Ashley we just going in circles” Spencer said “I don’t want to talk about this anymore”


    Ashley watched Spencer for a minute and then picked her purse up and walked to he door


    “Ok I get it, you like me but you don’t wan tot like me”

    Spencer saw the hurt in her eyes but said nothing

    “I want us to get to know each other. To see if there is some thing more to us…”

    “Ashley please just stop don’t turn that into something that it’s not”

    “Fine, I’ll leave you alone Spencer. I’m sorry I’ve been bothering you, but I guess your right… there is nothing between us” she turned and walked away without looking back once.

















    “Ashley’s invited?… I thought you said just friends”

    “Get over it Spencer, she is our friend” Courtney replied

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

    “Fine. Pretend you don’t” Courtney told her standing with her hands on her hips. “Allison isn’t going to be here, just people we know and like”

    “What about Ashley?” Spencer asked

    “WE LIKE HER, I don’t understand you Spencer what’s go into you?”

    “Nothing I just… don’t like her”

    “Ok” Courtney side raising her eyebrows and turning away, not believing her.

    “I just wished you would’ve told me she was coming before”

    “Spencer she not going to bother you, I told her to bring a date”

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    1. Well…it’s no ones fault but Spencer’s that she is alone..Ash wanted to give them a chance, but Spencer being the ASS that she is..said No…now she is alone…Hopefully, she will wake up and realize that she wants Ash…when that happens…let’s hope Ash still wants her…Awesome Update..PMS

    2. Well…it’s no ones fault but Spencer’s that she is alone..Ash wanted to give them a chance, but Spencer being the ASS that she is..said No…now she is alone…Hopefully, she will wake up and realize that she wants Ash…when that happens…let’s hope Ash still wants her…Awesome Update..PMS

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