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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 5 Good Times)

    A Lovely Trip to Antartica

    Chapter 5 (Good Times)

    I took her bag and we headed out the door, put it in the car and got in. I turned the ignition and starte the car, pulling out of the driveway carefully I put the car back in drive and started down the road. Spencer reached over to turn on the readio, blaring out of the speakers was Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. She quickly changed it.

    "Hey! I liked that song!" Ashley said changing it back.

    "Fine…" Spencer replied with a dissatified voice.

    * * * *

    After about 2 hours we reached Santa Ana. Spencer was asleep, leaning on the car door. I was sure she had some drool dripping down her chin, but she looked so peaceful. It was almost 9:30 and I was starting to get really tired. I could see a motel somewhere down the street. So I figured we could drive the rest of the 3 hours tommorrow. I pulled into the motel parking lot.


    Kiss me out of the bearded barley
    Nightly, beside the green, green grass
    Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
    You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

    I really need to change my ringtone, I open my cell phone."Hello!" I said

    "Hey, Ash!" It was Aiden.

    "What’s up!" Ashley replied.

    "Hey, where are you?"

    "Why do you want to know?" Ashley replied. Spencer had just woken up and was looking at Ashley.

    "Beacuse Spencer’s Parents are freking out cause she hasn’t come home yet! And Glen said something about you two going somewhere for four days?"

    "Yeah, Its just a summer trip, we’re going to Japan, we’ll be back soon, don’t worry, but don’t you dare tell her parents where we went!" Ashley said.

    "Yeah, sure just don’t get kidnapped or something!"

    "Yeah, ok, bye" Ashley said.

    "What was that all about?" Spencer asked.

    "Your parents were freakin out, because you never came home."

    Spencer sighed, and then she had a big grin on her face."This reminds me so much of last year!"

    "I know."

    "So….. are we going to steal another room or are we actually going to get one this time?" Spencer said.

    "Well, concidering I don’t think maid service runs this late, I think we have to, that is unless you want to sleep in the car?"

    Spencer slapped Ashley on the arm and opened the car door. "Come on!"


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