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    Give Up – (Chapter: Twenty-One Questions)

    The twisted smile returns and my mind flashes back to the photograph of the man she assaulted. "What are you going to do with me?" "I haven’t decided yet, and I’m not going to until we reach our destination." "Are you going to kill me?" She smirks. "Maybe."




    A soft yawn escapes my throat, as my hand reaches over to the nightstand. My hand moves around clumsily until it finds the snooze button. When the loud beeping noise finally subsides I roll over onto my side and stare out the window.



    The sun is shining brightly, I force my eyes to stay open. When they begin to feel dry and irritated I let them drift shut. Although my eyes are shut tightly, the sun shining through the window makes me see a reddish color rather than the black color I had intended to see.



    Shifting my body so my face is hidden in the pillow. Another yawn escapes my lips. After a few moments I roll my head back to the window side and glance at the clock. The red numbers stare back at me in an almost teasing nature. Two o’clock.



    I roll away from the clock and let my hands work their way through my hair. I crawl my way to the end of the bed and let one foot touch the wooden floor. My other foot follows and I make my way to the bathroom.



    When I enter the bathroom my eyes meet the mirror, disgusted I turn away. My hands move on their own, stripping off layers of clothing. Clothes are spread around the bathroom floor. Along with the clothes from the month before, and the month before that. I don’t bother trying to pick them up.



    It only takes a second for me to pull back the shower curtain. My hands rest on the hot water knob, I move the oversized silver knob until I see a steady stream of water flow from the shower head.



    After a few moments I put my hand underneath the water. Satisfied with the temperature I step in and close the curtain. I smile as the warm water drifts down my body. The only time I had smiled in months.

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    1. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    2. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    3. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    4. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    5. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    6. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    7. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    8. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    9. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    10. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    11. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    12. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    13. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    14. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    15. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

    16. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

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