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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Smut of course!)

                “Oh fuck Ash!” I moan out as Ashley lips attack my neck with kisses and nips. She has me pinned up against her door, and she’s tugging on my shirt. I arch my back off the door so she can remove my shirt and bra. This action causes my pelvis to move more into hers and applies more pressure. I’m surprised we actually made it up into her room, but we don’t want Kyla to come home and see us having sex in the entryway of the house. That would be hot…I mean bad. I wonder briefly where my ex is. I haven’t seen her since Saturday, prom, and neither has Ashley. It’s now Monday, and I would be worried if it wasn’t for the fact that Aiden’s missing too. My thoughts quickly disintegrate. I am being ravished after all.


                “Shit!” she manages to mumble out after removing my shirt. I know, I know…we’re supposed to be talking about our relationship. We have after all, managed to do everything backwards. Sex, declaring our love for one another, and then dating? Definitely not traditional. But that’s what I love about her, about us. We’re not traditional, but it doesn’t matter because we have each other. Corny, I know, but totally and completely true. We would be talking right now if it wasn’t for the fact that we haven’t had sex with each other in about two weeks, and you should know by now, we can’t keep our relationship from being physical. It just is. Oh we’ll talk all right, but not until later.


                She’s undoing the clasp to my jeans, and I allow her to take them off. This is where I realize that she’s wearing far too many clothes, so I remedy the issue.


                “Babe,” I say between kisses.




                “Let’s go to your bed.”


                “No. Need you, right now. Bed too far away,” she explains. I can’t help but giggle, which causes her to pull away and raise an eyebrow which is her signature way of showing that she’s curious. I just shake my head and continue to smile, which in turn has her smiling as well. She manages to stay off of me for the three seconds it takes for me to lead her to the bed. The moment I’m on my back, she’s straddling me and placing kisses down my body. My hips start to buck up towards hers, desperate for some sort of contact. She rearranges herself so that our centers meet. I let out a few profanities and revel in the feeling of her arousal mixing with mine, our hips are rocking together. Our lips continue the assault on one another, and she allows her hands to caress my breasts. She rolls and pinches my nipples causing wonderful sensations to travel throughout my body.

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