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    Practice – (Chapter: The Unexpected Fuck)

    As our tongues collide, I feel those familiar feelings. But I can’t distinguish if it’s the good kind or the bad kind…. well maybe I could, I don’t think I want to. I’m not even sure if I like it. Part of me hopes I do the other part hopes I don’t. As she leads me to her bedroom, and lays me down on the bed I feel everything. But I can’t for the life of me describe it. Its fear. I know that. Me and fear have been quite acquainted in the past. But this, this fear feels different, new. Maybe it’s not fear; maybe I’m feeling something else. What is it?




    Your lips are on mine, you’re kissing me back. It’s all very surreal to me, just weeks ago you had shot me down with your claim ‘I don’t date doctors.’




    And now here we are, stumbling into my house, and into my bed. I like the feeling of your body moving against mine, I allow you to push me onto the bed and straddle my waist.




    We’re kissing; it’s not hard and rushed anymore. Our pace has slowed down, become something more. You pull your lips away from mine. I take this as my opportunity to flip you over, so I’m on top.




    You stare up at me with passion filled eyes.




    "I want you so bad." You say.




    Your blunt nature surprises me. To be honest I thought I’d have to the good ol’ Davies’ charm to get you to do anything. You pull me back down to you, forcing my lips to part as your tongue slips inside.




    I think you want me to make ‘the’ move, I don’t. You see, I’m not quite convinced you want it; I need you to show me you’re ready.




    I’m aware of everything that’s happening; I’m trying so hard to burn the feeling of your hands against my skin into my memory. This is important, very important. I haven’t felt like this since… ever. I’ve never felt as good as you make me feel.




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    1. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

    2. Poor Spence, she’s so scared! I’m glad Ash got some action though! I hope the next chapter is Spencer opening up. And your smut is always amazing! LoL! PMS!

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