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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 7 Ahhhhhh!!!!)

    A lovely trip to Antartica

    Chapter 7 (Ahhhhhhh!!!)

    They reached the airport."So which airlines did you get" Spencer asked, while taking her sports bag out of the trunk.

    "Look on the ticket!" Ashley replied.

    Spencer grabbed Ashleys purse and took the tickets out. "Looks like Singapore airlines, I never heard of that one." Spencer said.

    "Well it was the first one I saw." Ashley replied.

    Taking a closer look at the receipts. "I’m surprised you didn’t get first class!"

    "I got them in 3 minutes what do you expect!" Ashley said.

    "…..Ashley, do you even know what we’re going to do in Japan?" Spencer asked.

    "Nope, just gonna have to enjoy the unexpected." Ashley said taking her small suit-case out of the trunk, and closing the door. Now heading for the 3 story building. They walked in gazing at the gigantic paitings and shiny floor for a second. "Wow, this place is nice!" Spencer said in awe. Ashley grabbed Spencer’s hand and started pulling her down to the airline check in desk. "Sorry I ruined your lovely moment but we gotta check in." Ashley said.

    Spencer sighed "You can’t even give me a minute?" she saoid while following Ashley to the line of people waiting to check in.


    "Gate 12 is down this hall take the first left and its on the right." said the cashier at a Nike store.

    "Thank you!" Spencer replied, while headung down the hall. "I’m so exited, I’ve always wanted to go to Japan!"

    "Well, who wouldn’t want an all expence paid trip to Japan!" Ashley said. Spencer just smiled and kept walking.

    THey reached Gate 12 and waited in the semi-long line. They got through the security stuff and found their seats on the plane. "It was a nice plane, comfy seats, and OH MY GOD they have video games too! This is like such an awsome plane!" Ashley screamed outloud.

    "I know!" Spencer replied.

    There were several other people in the section of the plane. Not too long fter more and more people came. Theri section was a 3/4 full. The flight attendent, who was a brunett about 5’4, 5’5 maybe, who was in a navy blue vest and skirt was demonstrating all the safety precautions.

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    1. WTF OMG did that just happen or was it a dream please say it was a dream. Please update now I dont think I can wait to find out what is going to happen next. This is going to kill me until then PMN ( POST MORE NOW) Please.

    2. WTF OMG did that just happen or was it a dream please say it was a dream. Please update now I dont think I can wait to find out what is going to happen next. This is going to kill me until then PMN ( POST MORE NOW) Please.

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