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    Hoops – (Chapter: 11: A Night Out)

    We’d been driving for at least a half an hour looking for this 24-hour pharmacy that Ashley insisted existed, but had no clue where it was. I knew she had guilt tripped me into coming, but what could I do?  She was right.  If something happened to her and I let her go alone, I would feel terrible.  But because I was equally afraid of her passing out again, killing us both in a car crash, I kept a close eye on her the entire time.

    “Ashley, can we go back now?” I nearly whined. “There obviously isn’t any pharmacy here.”

    “No, I’m sure there is.  This is your first time in town, right?”

    I just ignored her question.  “Have you ever filled this prescription before? How do you not know where the pharmacy is?”

    “I haven’t filled it before.  You know, you should come out here more often.  There’s a lot of stuff to do…restaurants, a movie theater, shopping, a few bars we can sneak into.  When’s the last time you had non-cafeteria food?”

    “I ate a granola bar I brought from home for breakfast,”  I answered, getting more and more frustrated, “If this is your first time at this pharmacy, don’t you have to have your prescription with you?  Did you bring that?”

    “Oh…I guess, I forgot it,” she said, completely unconcerned.

    “I can’t believe this,” I said, throwing my hands up in anger, “You mean we drove all the way out here for nothing?”

    “Not for nothing.  We can always catch a movie or go get something to eat,” she said a little too cheerily.  It only made my blood boil more.

    “Ashley, this is so not cool.  What a waste of time.”

    We sat driving around in silence for awhile, before she spoke.

    “Don’t be offended,” she said, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye “but you’re really uptight for a 17-year-old.”

    I turned to look at her, confused about how I was not supposed to be offended by a comment like that.

    “It’s not a bad thing ,” she explained smiling, “I think it’s cute.”

    “Just because you choose to act like a 5-year-old, doesn’t mean that I act uptight.  I just like to be responsible.  Unlike some people,” I said giving her a pointed glare, “bars, clubs, and alcohol binges are not my thing.”

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    1. dang ashley needs to realize that spencer needs to be pushed into things like going into town and having dinner and possibly going back to camp…she’s a push over not always a bad thing but like getting stuck somewhere when you want to go back is bad pms

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