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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Epilogue)

    Ashley smiled as she looked down into the light pink bassinet. The tiny baby was covered with a white blanket with the name, Audrey, embroidered in pink. She gently placed her hand on top of her sleeping baby and was perfectly content watching her breathe. Her smile grew as she felt her wife place her arms around her waist and place her chin on the brunette’s shoulder. Spencer had insisted on their daughter’s name being Audrey because of her favorite actress, Audrey Hepburn. Ashley had of course relented. She wasn’t about to argue with her wife whom had gone through fourteen hours of labor and then finding out she’d have to have a C-section. But of course the brunette loved the name Audrey. Audrey Carlin Davies. She had insisted her last name be Carlin, but Spencer wouldn’t hear of it.


                “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” the blonde whispered in her ear after a few moments of silence.


                “So beautiful,” she whispered back.  “Shouldn’t you be catching up on sleep?” she asked turning around in her wife’s arms.


                “And miss this wonderful silence?” she asked with jest in her voice. Both women were grinning. Much like Tate, Audrey was a very mild baby. Any wailing their daughter did was to alert them of her needs, and if she was crying just because, she could be easily soothed by her mommies.


                It had been three years since the two women reconciled. The journey to recovery wasn’t easy, but the two women never hesitated in using each other as support. Ashley had refused to go to rehab, but was clean. She knew that being away from Spencer for longer than she already had been wasn’t going to help her, but instead cause more harm. So the brunette had done her recovery with her wife staying by her side through everything. Paula had even offered her help, which the two gratefully accepted. It made things easier to have the help of a doctor. The two also saw a therapist to help them with their feelings over Tate and even with each other. Of course things weren’t easy, the withdrawals, the mood swings, and there was the time where Ashley had slipped back into using drugs. It had only been one night, towards the beginning, but it still made Spencer pissed beyond words.

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    1. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

    2. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

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