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    Face Down – (Chapter: 6)

                “What’s wrong, Spence?” I asked as I pulled her close to me and held her tightly.

                “I…I…” she stuttered.

                “Sshh,” I soothed. “It’s ok. Take your time.”

                “My mom,” she said calming down a little. “She kicked me out.”



                “Spence, I’m so sorry,” I said holding her tightly as sobs racked through her body. “Everything is going to be ok.”

                “I don’t know what to do,” she cried.

                “You’re gonna come stay with me,” I said matter-of-factly.

                “Are you sure?” she asked.

                “Of course,” I said. “It’s not like I don’t have the room. And I would get to see you whenever I wanted which is a plus.”

                She stretched up and kissed me softly. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much.”

                “Anything for you,” I smiled softly. I kissed her forehead and hugged her again. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” she said. She sat up and grabbed my hand.

                “I’d hate to ask this,” I said, “but why did your mom kick you out?”

                Spencer sighed and looked down at her hands.

                “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I said.

                “No,” she said. “I’ll have to tell you eventually. Apparently Josh went over to my house while I was with you. He told my mom that I cheated on him with you and when he asked me about it, you beat him up.”

                “I’m gonna fucking kill that bastard,” I shouted as I started to get out of bed. Spencer pulled me back down onto the bed.

                “Stop,” she said sternly. “You don’t need to go hurt yourself. We’ll deal with him later.”

                I reluctantly laid back down. As I laid down, I grabbed my stomach.

                “Are you ok?” she asked.

                “Yeah, I think so,” I said.

                “That’s what you get for trying to get up too soon,” she smiled.

                “Oh shush,” I said.

                “You know I’m kidding,” she smiled. “But seriously, you have to take it easy. We don’t want you pulling open your stitches.”

                “Fine,” I said. “Where is the damn doctor? I wanna get the hell out of this place.”

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    1. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

    2. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

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