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    Give Up – (Chapter: Tell Her?)

    I lean my head against the wall behind hind me as I try to process what’s going on. My mind goes to Mark O’Connor, just thinking his name makes me sigh in disgust. If Ashley was okay damage would be done, but if she wasn’t there would be hell to pay.




    A sharp pain in my abdomen awakens me. My eyes snap open, the bright light forces them to close just as quickly. I take a breath, waiting for the pain in my eyes to subside. When it finally does I open them again blinking rapidly in an attempt to adjust to the light. When they adjust I focus on the pain in my abdomen. I shift a bit to the left trying to weaken the pain, I fail miserably.



    "Movement is only going to make the pain worse." My eyes dart to the left, Johnson’s figure invades my mind. A sigh of relief escapes me as Johnson’s figure moves closer to my bedside. My eyes dart around the room, to the needle sticking out of my arm. I frown as I realize where I am.



    Johnson clears his throat and I look him up and down a few times the sight makes me laugh. Odd colored pants, an oversized hoodie, and mysterious shades are not a good look for him.



    He lets out an annoyed sigh, obviously now is not the time for games. "I’m going to make this quick, we don’t have much time. Spencer is on her way up here as we speak." My mood shifts as I shake my head understanding the seriousness of the situation.



    "I’m not exactly sure what happened but from what I understand you were shot, twice. Once in the abdomen and once in your right leg. Do you remember what happened?" I shake my head in the positive. "Good. You’ll make a full recovery but you need to make a decision right now, we can pull you out or you can continue working the case. Its all up to you."



    "I’m so close Johnson." He smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder. "I figured you’d say that." He looks down at his watch before speaking. "I trust your decision, keep your head clear. I’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible." He gives me a brief nod and heads for the door before exiting he shouts over his shoulder. "Use this to your advantage Davies." I open my mouth to speak but before I can Johnson’s figure is gone.

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    1. So Spencer is going to tell Ashley the truth, maybe, but we know Ashley won’t tell Spencer the truth yet. Of course, that will lead to Spencer being hurt and no good can come from that. I believe the shit is about to hit the fan. Am I right?

    2. This is one of my fav. ff…I’m sorry I can’t comment more often, but I’ve read this fic since the very start, it’s a tap-n-go 4 me at times mate, so please excuse….I love this though.Does anyone know when the show starts again for the 3rd season? I’m lost at times…cheers all..

    3. So Spencer is going to tell Ashley the truth, maybe, but we know Ashley won’t tell Spencer the truth yet. Of course, that will lead to Spencer being hurt and no good can come from that. I believe the shit is about to hit the fan. Am I right?

    4. This is one of my fav. ff…I’m sorry I can’t comment more often, but I’ve read this fic since the very start, it’s a tap-n-go 4 me at times mate, so please excuse….I love this though.Does anyone know when the show starts again for the 3rd season? I’m lost at times…cheers all..

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