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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Tuesday Afternoon [Chapter 3])

    ‘all rite cya in 2 min gotta go 2 ma locker quik’
    I quickly typed on my cell and sent the message to Ashley’s phone. So I did get better at texting, sort of. I don’t know everything, but I must say I’ve gotten better at it.

    As soon as my cell shows the ‘message sent’ box I receive a message like 2 seconds later. Than can’t be Ashley, that was too fast, even for her. I read the message and laugh a bit at the message.

    “Message Memory Full’ I smile some more and just think about all the text messages we’ve sent each other during the course of the day. All the random and useless messages to each other. God, there was like 7 of them that we just back and forthed ‘So…” Then the occasional, ‘Can’t wait for after school’ Which of course brought a huge smile to my face every time I read it.

    The bell rang and I hurried to my locker hoping to beat the hallway traffic on the way to the parking lot. I take out my books for homework and my other supplies and head towards the parking lot just missing the traffic. I see Ashley standing by her Porsche and walk over to her.

    I give her a quick wave and see her cheeks turn bright red for a second before she looks down. I go up to her and she opens the door for me. I throw my stuff in the back and watch her walk towards her door. I check her out a bit as she gets in the car and starts it.

    “So where are we heading” She says. I start to laugh a bit but then can’t control it, it was just so funny.

    “What’s so funny” she says. And I just look at her and crack up some more.

    “I was just thinking about all the text messages we’ve sent each other, and we didn’t even find out what we were going to do.” I continue laughing while she looks at me like I’m a bit crazy.

    “You’re a real dork you know that Carlin” She says and I just smile at her and nod my head.

    “You know you love that” I blurt out and blush a bit as I say it.

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