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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: It’s hard to be faithful when you’re angry [Chapter 10])

    “How are you baby?” He only says one thing and I already don’t like him, and it doesn’t get any better as he hugs Ashley, yes it’s official, I fucking hate him. I see Ashley tense up a bit before she reluctantly returns the hug to who ever the hell that is.

    “Hey Aiden” She says less than happy, so the person that I hate with all my heart has a name.

    “Aiden this is my new best friend Spencer” She says as she returns to her happy state while she takes my hand and gives me a soft squeeze and my smile comes back as I stick my hand out to shake his name, so maybe I was over reacting a bit.

    “Hey Spencer, I’m Ashley’s boyfriend” Or maybe I wasn’t under reacting. As soon as I hear him say that I feel my heart drop and break into little pieces, just shatter. Ashley never told me she had a boyfriend. I quickly drop Ashley’s hand and put on the fakest smile I’ve ever had to use.

    “Well it was great meeting you, but uh, I have to go, umm, do something important, for umm, myself” I lie out of my ass and I walk away. And the worse part is Ashley doesn’t even follow me to see how I’m doing, or even call out my name or anything, apparently, I’m the farthest thing from her mind.

    I open the door of the auditorium and slam it shut, well try to slam it, it’s like one of those doors that close slowly with the air pressure or something, well I don’t really care right now, only thing in my head is the face that Ashley has a boyfriend and she didn’t tell me, she lied to me.

    I just cry a bit but decide I can’t cry out here, I start to look for my trailer. I am not really sure which one is mine since I haven’t really spent any time in there, actually no time spent at all. I can’t believe Ashley has a boyfriend, and she’s been making out with me, even taken a bath with me uh. God, she cheated on him with me, I feel so dirty, so used, so disgusting, I feel like a slut.

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