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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 19-TGIF)


    School was in such a flurry today not much got done.  I cannot believe Glen did what he did, but who am I to tell him what to do.  I just gave him a smile and avoided looking in the car, I mean who wants to see that.  Once Aiden was out of the car and the tape removed over his mouth I thought that he would immediately say who did it.  He refused to talk, so the principle sent him home, suspended.  Sucks for him, being suspended screws up his basketball career.  Then again, I could care less what happened to him. 

    Glen has been surprising me, when we got home he did not tell dad what happened.  The wheelchair wasn’t an issue because we stopped at a medical supply store and got a new one.  We were fortunate enough that it looked a lot like my old one and dad didn’t notice.  Glen said it was for the best that dad didn’t know.  I didn’t ask why, I think I already knew.  Dad is on the brink of pulling me out of school and if he knew about what happened I would be at home right now.  Instead I am at school waiting for the classes to start.

    The teachers finally get the students settled and classes begin.  Not much was done because everyone was still going on about Aiden.  It was refreshing because recently everyone was still thinking about prom and I am glad that prom is not the issue anymore.  Maybe now I won’t be stared at so much.  Classes seem to fly by and I got through the whole day without seeing Ashley.  I am relieved, I do not know what to say to her about yesterday.  Not her rescuing me, but the kiss.  I am not ready for that and I need to tell her, but I am worried how she will react.  She is acting so differently and it has gotten hard to read how she will react.  I am thinking about all of this as I roll myself to Glen’s car.

    "Spencer wait!"  Crap, I almost got away.  I stop and turn to meet Ashley as she jogs to me.

    "Hey, I have been trying to catch you all day.  But it has been really hectic.  Can you believe what happened?  Poor Aiden."  What?  Why does she feel bad for him?  I think she notices the look on my face and she scrambles to explain,

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    1. Im trying to stay with this story, I really am, but its getting ridiculous. There is too much random drama in this, there’s no connection: creepy therapist, Irish mob, somebody in Spencer’s room, Ashley. I feel like you don’t know how to write Ashley, like she’s unrealistic, and after every accusation she isn’t trying to explain anything. I feel like there is a good story under all this other stuff, but it got lost somewhere. Spencer being paralyzed was a new idea and the story could have been great, but….Its like I can’t take it seriously, well as serious as one can take a fanfic; then there are all these abstract “cliffhangers”, it isn’t flowing like it should.

    2. Im trying to stay with this story, I really am, but its getting ridiculous. There is too much random drama in this, there’s no connection: creepy therapist, Irish mob, somebody in Spencer’s room, Ashley. I feel like you don’t know how to write Ashley, like she’s unrealistic, and after every accusation she isn’t trying to explain anything. I feel like there is a good story under all this other stuff, but it got lost somewhere. Spencer being paralyzed was a new idea and the story could have been great, but….Its like I can’t take it seriously, well as serious as one can take a fanfic; then there are all these abstract “cliffhangers”, it isn’t flowing like it should.

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