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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 20-Drama)


    "Miss me?"

    "Mom, what the hell are you doing here?"  I get out as she puts me back in my chair.

    "I just wanted to see my baby."  She sits on my bed and I go over to her.

    "But what about all that stuff you said."  I ask not knowing what she was pulling.

    "I was not thinking, but now that I have thought about things I want to say I am sorry and that I love you."  She says while hugging me.  I get a whiff of her breath and smell the alcohol.  God I don’t want to end up like this, like her.

    "Mom, I think you need to leave."  She pulls back from me and tries to focus on my face.

    "Spencer just talk to your father for me.  I can’t stay in that hotel anymore."  She begs while gripping my arms tightly.

    "Alright mom, I will talk to dad.  Why don’t you leave before he gets home?"  She nods and stumbles out of the door.  I follow to make sure she leaves.  God what a day.  I throw away the bottle and promise not to turn to alcohol again.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  I get ready for bed and pull myself into bed.  I lay there thinking, maybe I was too harsh on Ashley.  I tried not to assume, yet that is exactly what I did.  I reach over for my phone.  It could be the alcohol that was still in my system, but I need to do this before I lose my nerve.   

    "Spencer, what is it?"

    "Ashley can we meet somewhere and talk tomorrow."

    "Really talk, you will listen to what I have to say."  I guess I deserve that.

    "Yes, I will listen.  So how about the beach?"

    "Okay, meet me at 10:00."

    "Alright, goodnight."

    "Goodnight."  I hang up and go to sleep without much trouble.


     The next morning I eat breakfast with my dad, but all he seems to want to talk about is the new therapists Darlene.  God, don’t tell me he has a crush on her.  Should I bring up mom now or later?  I look to the clock and see that it is almost 9:30.  Okay later it is, I ask to be excused and go into the living room.

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    1. I LOVE THE DRAMA! BUT if Ashley’s answer fucks her realtionship up with Spencer…I am going to do some serious ASS kicking…For the love of GOD…Bring them back together…PWEASE!Awesome Update…Loved it…Rock on..PMS

    2. I LOVE THE DRAMA! BUT if Ashley’s answer fucks her realtionship up with Spencer…I am going to do some serious ASS kicking…For the love of GOD…Bring them back together…PWEASE!Awesome Update…Loved it…Rock on..PMS

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