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    Face Down – (Chapter: 7)

                “Ok,” Arthur said. “I’ll talk to your mother. I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything out.”

                “Ok dad,” Spencer said.

                “And Spencer?” Arthur said.

                “Yeah?” Spencer said.

                “I love you,” Arthur said.

                “I love you too dad,” Spencer said. She hung up the phone and laid back, staring at the ceiling in amazement.



                It had been a few days and Spencer’s dad still hadn’t called back. I was starting to think he wouldn’t. That didn’t bother me any but Spencer seemed upset. It was Wednesday night and we were doing our homework. Well Spencer was doing her homework; I was sitting there staring at her, pretending to do my work. Her phone started ringing and we both jumped.

                “Hello,” Spencer said answering the phone.

                “Hi honey,” Arthur said.

                “Hi dad,” she smiled.

                “Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you,” he said. “Your mom has been working late the past few nights and we haven’t had much time to talk.”

                “It’s ok,” she said. “I understand.”

                “Are you busy tonight?” he asked.

                “No I don’t think so,” she said. “Why?”

                “I think you should come over and we can all talk about this,” he said.

                “Does mom know?” she asked.

                “Yes,” he said. “She’s not happy about it but she’ll talk to you.”

                “Ok,” she said. “What time?”

                “Around 8,” he said.

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “I’ll see you then.”

                “All right,” Arthur said. “Bye kiddo.”

                “Bye dad,” Spencer said. She shut her phone and set it down next to her.

                “Your dad?” I said.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said going back to her homework.

                “Well?” I said.

                “He wants me to come over tonight,” she said.

                “Are you going to?” I asked.

                “I think so,” she said finally looking at me. “Will you give me a ride?”

                “Of course,” I said. “What time?”

                “8,” she said.

                I nodded and started my homework. We had about an hour to kill. I almost finished my homework and Spencer got all hers done. I checked the time and it was 7:40.

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