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    A Lovely Trip to Antartica – (Chapter: 10 THANK GOD!)

    A lovely trip to Antartica

    Chapter 10


    They looked at them in shock there was a Broncasaur, Triceritop, and all theres other dinosaurs that they didn’t know the name of.

    "OMG, Jurasic Park much!" Ashley yelled. "We have to get off this island!"


    "Why? I would love to at least go see them!" Spencer said.


    "Have you seen Jurasic Park?" Ashley asked.


    "No, I just know it had to do with dinosaurs."


    "Ok, look theres probuly a big T-rex around here somewhere, and I do not want to get eatten!" Ashley said while looking all around.


    "Well, if its hungry there are a bunch of big, giant dinosaurs around here why would it prefer us, tiny ant sized things compared to gia-mungous dinousaurs." Spencer countered."Look the worst thats probuly going to happen is we’re going to get stepped on, and if we be careful that won’t happen! come on!"

    Spencer started down the cliff. Ashley followed, she was terrified to death, her worst fear was death, but she followed Spencer some-what willingly. They both cafefully walked up to a bush quite aways from the brochasaur (the one with a long neck), eatting off a large tree. Spencer was about to move a bit closer before.

    "RRRRROOOOOOARRRRR!!!!!!" then there was that thumping again. All the dinosaurs turned around and started stampeding their way. They both didn’t have time to do anything, so they just hid in the bush. They looked out and sae the the Bronc (broncasaur) had knocked down the Rex. The Rex quickly got back on its feet. It was a fight that was about to begin, no doubt about it. The Rex quickly got to its feet and charged at the Bronc. The Bronc swung its long tail nearly hitting the two girls in the bush. They trembled in fear.

    "Ashley, we need to run!" Spencer said frantically.

    "No way! We’re going to get eatten!" she replied.

    "If we stay here we’re going to get squashed by a bazillion pound dinosaur!" she replied.

    "On the count of 3, 1…..2….."

    "Spencer! No!"

    "…3…." and she charged out of the bush running.

    "NO WAY!!!!" Ashley yelled chasing her.

    "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Spencer yelled at the top of her lungs.

    ‘What the hell’ Ashley thought!

    The Rex turned its attention to the two girls running and they could hear the thumping getting louder. Ashley quickly sped up to Spencer yelling.

    "Shut the Fuck Up!" Spencer quickly shut her yap and Ashley led them in to the forest that they had come from, with Ashley in the lead. They ran through the forest. Spencer tripped on a upgrounded root causing her to fall face down into the dirt. The Rex quickly swapped down grabbing Spencer. Devouring her.

    "SPPPPEEENNCCCER!!!!!" Ashley cried out.

    "Ashley……Ashley wake up!" Spencer said shaking her arm.

    Ashley quickly opened her eyes breathing heavily, she saw that she was still on the plane, with her plane headphones on and Jurasic Park 3 was playing. That was a dream! she asked herself. THANK GOD! Ashley took a few more deep breathes.

    "Ashley are you ok?" Spencer asked with a conserned look on her face.

    "Umm….Yeah just had a bad dream."

    "Oh, ok…. So…… what was this dream about?" Spencer asked.

    Ashley just smiled and said "Oh….nothing"


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