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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: This is Why I’m Hot)

    Ashley let out a frustrated groan as her cell phone blared out the lyrics to her ring tone. She’d normally ignore phone calls this early in the morning, but she knew it was Spencer. “What?” she answered half tired, half pissed. It was bad enough to have to wake up early for school, but waking up earlier than necessary was not acceptable, unless of course strenuous circumstances occurred. So the blonde better have had a good excuse for waking her up at…six in the morning.


    “Ashley!” Spencer replied in a rush. “It’s me, Spencer.”


    “I know who it is you dork. Who the hell else would call me at this ungodly hour? You better be dying and need a ride to the hospital.”


    “Really, Ash…if I was dying don’t you think that I would have my mom take me to the hospital, or call an ambulance.”


    “You’re going off on a tangent…it is too early. What do you want?”


    “I need help…”

    “Spence, I’ve been saying that for months. I don’t see why that’s a reason to wake me up.”


    “Oh haha. You’re so funny. I mean, I need help getting ready…” the brunette was about to make a remark, but the blonde continued, “and don’t you dare make any smart ass remark” Despite being tired, the brunette grinned. Spencer had only moved to LA a few short months ago, and she already knew the older girl well. “I need help trying to figure out what to wear to get Lily to notice me without screaming out, ‘Hey Lily, I want you to totally and completely take advantage of me!’” Ashley scowled at the remembrance of what her blonde friend had in mind, but also couldn’t help but chuckle at the last line.


    “Well, that would get her attention…”


                “Thanks Ash…not helping. So get your lazy sexy butt out of bed and over here to help me pick out an outfit and what not.”


                “Hmm, I do have a sexy ass, don’t I?”


                “Oh, why do I even encourage you? Like your ego needs to be inflated any more than it already is.”


                “Okay, okay, I’m on my way over…even though this will totally cut into my time to look hot. I guess I’ll make that sacrifice so I can help you get laid by my nemesis.”

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    1. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    2. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    3. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

    4. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

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